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面临的英文(be up against中文翻译,be up against是什么意思,be up against发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

面临的英文(be up against中文翻译,be up against是什么意思,be up against发音、用法及例句)

be up against

be up against发音

英:  美:

be up against中文意思翻译




be up against双语使用场景

1、With economic globalization carrying forward , small and medium enterprises be up against challenge of international competition.───在经历了市场化的磨练之后, 中国的中小企业也进入了国际化的历程.

2、You'd be up against Sir Alex - how big an influence has he been on you?───你就得和爵爷单挑了,他对你有多大影响?

3、We know what we'll be up against in Norway. It's difficult playing at Ullevaal, very difficult.───我们知道我们即将面对的是挪威. 在乌利华球场踢比赛会很困难, 非常困难.

4、Every corporation has to be up against the new question in the course of development.───但各公司同行业内的竞争也越来越激烈,各公司在多年发展后也遇到了发展的瓶颈.

5、In that type of business you will naturally be up against very stiff competition.───在那类事业中,你自然要面临激烈的竞争.

6、Meaning - when the pant is worn the self fabric should be up against the body.───就是说当裤子穿起来的时候,本布要贴近身体.

7、God is bigger than any mountain you may be up against in your life.───在你可能面临的任何“困难大山”中,上帝是第一重要的,最能帮助你的。

8、Who knows what other injustices I will be up against,'he wrote.───天知道我是否还会面临其他的不公平审判.

9、Remember that you will be up against a more experienced player.───记住,你将碰上的是一位经验丰富的选手.

10、Everywhere you turn, you seem to be up against a restriction or impediment of some kind.───你往任何一个方向走都似乎要面临某种限制或阻碍。

11、You're going to be up against it in the first game of the season.───那么作为他们新赛季的首个对手,你可有什么样的看法?

be up against相似词语短语

1、runs up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇

2、ran up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇

3、run up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇

4、;ief against───反对

5、up against───面临

6、come up against───v.碰到;遭遇

7、came up against───v.碰到;遭遇

8、held against───责怪;暂时填补

9、comes up against───v.碰到;遭遇

有be against to do的说法吗,求大神帮忙解答?


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