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be true什么意思(be true of中文翻译,be true of是什么意思,be true of发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

be true什么意思(be true of中文翻译,be true of是什么意思,be true of发音、用法及例句)

1、be true of

be true of发音

英:  美:

be true of中文意思翻译




be true of双语使用场景

1、This will very likely also be true of homosexual and bisexual relationships.───接纳同性和双性性关系也极可能变为现实.

2、And the same could be true of the more complex stuff.───这同样适用于那些更为复杂的东西.

3、The same would be true of caste - basedreservations.───这种机会也体现在种姓预留职位中.

4、And the same seems to be true of God.───并且一样似乎上帝真.

5、May be true of us , beloved brothers and sisters!───亲爱的弟兄姐妹,的确如此!

6、However, he does add that this may only be true of the portfolio management side of finance.───不过,他也表示,这种情况或许只适合于金融中的投资组合管理领域。

7、That could be true of the proposed merger too, of course.───上述合并案当然也是这样.

8、Many of the startups we fund are taking this route, and I predict that will be true of startups in general.───我们所投资的许多创业公司都走了这条路,而且我预测大部分创业公司的也将会是如此。

9、The same should be true of mutual concessions.───互让也是如此.

10、That might be true of somebody else but not of my Wang.───但那只是另外那人的,却与我的毓芳无关.

be true of相似词语短语

1、be rid of───摆脱

2、because of───prep.因为;由于

3、become of───使遭遇…;…降临于;发生…情况

4、be pie on───做馅饼

5、be in awe of───对···望而生畏

6、by virtue of───由于,凭借

7、by force of───用……的手段;靠……的力量

2、be true of什么意思?

be true of v.对…适用,符合于 1. If that is true of writing fiction, you can be sure it is true of dealing with people face-to-face.如果写小说的秘诀是这样,那应用在待人处世」,你可以确定,更应该如此了。

2 The same should be true of mutual concessions.互让也是如此。

3 That could be true of the proposed merger too, of course.上述合并案当然也是这样。

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