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选举的英文(elected to中文翻译,elected to是什么意思,elected to发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

选举的英文(elected to中文翻译,elected to是什么意思,elected to发音、用法及例句)

elected to

elected to发音

英:  美:

elected to中文意思翻译



elected to双语使用场景

1、He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma.───他凭借个人魅力当选。

2、In an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Ashton insisted the fact she had never been elected to office would not be a disadvantage.───在今天早晨(11月20日)BBC广播4台的访谈节目中,阿什顿坚持认为,她没有通过选举执政不会是一大不利因素。

3、1789 - George Washington is unanimously elected to be the first President of the United States by the U. S. Electoral College.───1789年的今天,乔治·华盛顿被美国选举团一致选举为美国的首任总统。

4、He looked surprised, as if a stranger had told him that he had been elected to some office.───他看上去很惊讶,就好像一个陌生人告诉他他已经被某件办公室录用一样。

5、We have divine orders to ensure you safely reach the end of this cycle, and that all of you who have elected to ascend are able to do so.───我们接到了神圣的指令以确保你们的安全完成你们的周期,那些你们之中已经已经被挑选出参与扬升的人都能完成。

6、She had no fear of the growth, and elected to keep it a secret while trusting that the Lord would heal her in His perfect time.───她对此一点也不害怕,因为相信主会在合适的时候医治她,所以她没有告诉我们这件事。

7、His wife, Michelle Obama, voiced concerns about his safety before he was elected to the Senate.───奥巴马夫人米歇尔奥巴马曾呼吁各界保护他的安全,那是他刚入选参议院。

8、She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate.───她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女。

9、Upper-bracket taxpayers who elected to pay their tax increase in instalments must pay the third instalment by April 15.───选择分期支付增税的高额纳税人必须在4月15日之前交纳第3期税款。

elected to相似词语短语









9、elected mayor───当选市长


1, today I am in a clean room.

2, since I was four I have been learning English since.

3, he has been living in this street for nearly 20 years.

4, since you have been giving him six on the phone.

5, how long rain.

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