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棉签英文(cotton swabs中文翻译,cotton swabs是什么意思,cotton swabs发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

棉签英文(cotton swabs中文翻译,cotton swabs是什么意思,cotton swabs发音、用法及例句)

cotton swabs

cotton swabs发音

英:  美:

cotton swabs中文意思翻译



cotton swabs双语使用场景

1、Sara removes a small, dark blue piece of cloth from a pile of bloodied cotton swabs with a pair of tweezers.───Sara从一堆带血的棉球上,用一只镊子取下了一小块深蓝色的布料。

2、Then use cotton swabs soaked with isopropyl alcohol to clean between keys, as well as the phone body.───然后使用沾过乳化剂的棉花棒清理按键以及手机机身。

3、If all your money is going to food, shelter and clothing, stocking up on cotton swabs just doesn't have much appeal.───如果你所有的钱都用来吃饭,付房费和买衣物,囤积棉花棒确实没有太多的吸引力。

4、So what did Chessor do with those cotton swabs?───那么切索尔老太太拿那些棉签怎么办了?

5、In the bathroom, keep hair pins, cotton swabs and dental floss out of reach from your pet.───浴室中,将头花、棉棒及牙线放到宠物们够不到的地方。

6、Keep a few cotton swabs on your hand for getting to the build ups in tight place(like around the key of your PC keyboard).───准备一些棉签以便深入到细小区域(像是电脑键盘的各个按键)。

7、The head of it there are a pair of long ears, like a pair of cotton swabs.───它的头上有一对长长的耳朵,像一对棉花棒。

cotton swabs相似词语短语

1、cotton shorts───棉质短裤

2、cotton sedges───棉莎草

3、cotton buds───棉签(cottonbud的复数)

4、cotton grass───羊胡子草

5、Boston crabs───波士顿蟹式固定

6、common crabs───普通螃蟹

7、cotton belts───棉带;美国南部产棉地带

8、cotton swab───棉签;棉纱擦帚;药棉拭子;棉纱拖把

9、cotton wastes───废棉;回丝


pre wash:预洗pre soak:预先浸泡,洗之前先泡一泡knits delicates:用于洗一些不能大力洗涤的棉毛织品,如丝质、羊毛衣物cottons sturdy:用于洗涤棉质衣物。洗衣机上一般用中文标为“棉标准”模式rinse:漂洗perm press:免熨烫spin:脱水

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