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steamed buns(steamed bun中文翻译,steamed bun是什么意思,steamed bun发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

steamed buns(steamed bun中文翻译,steamed bun是什么意思,steamed bun发音、用法及例句)

steamed bun

steamed bun发音

英:  美:

steamed bun中文意思翻译


n.包子; [医]馒头

steamed bun双语使用场景

1、Does Professor Liu eat steamed bun not?───刘教授吃不吃馒头?

2、The two - year - old girl slapped jam on the steamed bun.───这个两 岁 的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱.

3、I sprinkled salt over the flied shoes of steamed bun.───我把炸馒头干撒上了盐.

4、Comparing with the autumn in the northland, it is just like yellow wine with colorless liquor, rice gruel with steamed bun, and perch with big crab .───比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之与白干,稀饭之与馍馍,鲈鱼之与大蟹。

5、Elaborated in the industrialization production the steamed bun anti - aging engineering research present situation.───阐述了工业化生产中馒头 抗老化 技术研究现状.

6、For breakfast, Chinese people generally eat porridge, mantou (steamed bun), or pancakes.───早餐,中国人一般喝粥,吃馒头,或薄煎饼。

7、Then, we have a plate of fried dumplings, a tray steamed bun. How about that?───那我们要一盘锅贴, 一屉小笼包怎么样?

8、Eldest son asks Luo Zhulin to eat steamed bun steamed bun and meat.───大少爷就请罗竹林吃馍馍和肉.

steamed bun相似词语短语

1、steamed pudding───蒸布丁

2、teamed up───v.合作;结成一队;协作

3、steamer trunk───扁皮箱


5、steamed up───促进;使蒙上水汽

6、steamed fish───清蒸鱼

7、steamer rug───蒸汽地毯

steamed bread和steamed bun 区别?

"Steamed bread" 和 "steamed bun" 都是指“蒸面包”或“馒头”,它们的意思基本相同,没有明显区别。一般来说,"steamed bread" 在英语中更常用,而 "steamed bun" 也可以使用。

例如:I like eating steamed bread.(我喜欢吃蒸面包。)或者 I had a steamed bun for breakfast.(我早餐吃了一个馒头。)


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