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middle east中文翻译,middle east是什么意思,middle east发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

middle east中文翻译,middle east是什么意思,middle east发音、用法及例句

middle east

middle east发音

英:[ˌmɪd(ə)l ˈiːst]  美:[ˌmɪd(ə)l ˈiːst]

英:  美:

middle east中文意思翻译



middle east双语使用场景

1、The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit.───在中东的胜利给他带来了好处。

2、The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of Turkey.───中东地区的两大河流发源于土耳其境内的山脉。

3、The move represents a setback for the Middle East peace process.───这个行动意味着中东和平进程受挫。

4、The topic today centers about the crisis in the Middle East.───今天课题的中心是中东危机.

5、Trouble was boiling up in the Middle East.───中东的争端日益加剧.

6、Mr Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday.───库克先生打算周五去中东。

7、The Middle East has often been a theatre of war.───中东这一地区一直战乱频仍。

8、They take care to follow the course of peace in the Middle East.───他们密切注视着中东的和平进程.

9、Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday.───中东和平会谈星期三在华盛顿重新启动。

10、This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters.───这则消息在中东总部引起了不安。

11、Peace talks have broken down in the Middle East.───中东和平谈判失败了.

12、Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday.───中东和平谈判于周三在华盛顿重启。

13、Middle East redounds to his benefit.───中东地区的该项成就对他有益。

14、Mr. Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday.───库克先生正打算星期五去中东。

15、The trouble - ridden Middle East commands the attention of the world.───中东是举世瞩目的多事地区.

16、What are the greatest sources of conflict in the Middle East?───中东冲突的最重要原因是什么?

17、They signed an agreement that parcelled out the Middle East into several spheres of influence.───他们签订了一项协议,将中东瓜分为几个势力范围。

18、Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.───昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。

middle east相似词语短语

1、middle C's───中间C

2、middle eight───中八

3、middle Cs───中Cs

4、middle ears───[解剖]中耳,鼓室

5、middle years───中年

6、Middle West───美国的中西部

7、Middle East───中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区)

8、middle class───中产阶级;中产阶级的

9、middle ear───[解剖]中耳,鼓室

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