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finish up中文翻译,finish up是什么意思,finish up发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

finish up中文翻译,finish up是什么意思,finish up发音、用法及例句

1、finish up

finish up发音

英:  美:

finish up中文意思翻译


<非正>结束,告终; 吃[喝]光; 包圆儿


finish up双语使用场景

1、We happily a celebration , dawn a policeNorway film to finish up dawn.───咱们开了个庆祝会, 最后放映了一部新影视.

2、Would you like to finish up the chicken?───你把鸡肉吃完好 吗 ?

3、I shall be back as soon as I finish up my business.───事情一完,我就回来.

4、He never dreamed that he would finish up owning such a lot of property.───他做梦也想不到最终会拥有这么多的财产.

5、I aim to finish up this job.───我打算结束这项工作.

6、We might as well finish up the cake.───我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。

7、She asked her son to finish up the milk.───她让她的儿子把牛奶喝光.

8、He's probably going to finish up in jail for business fraud.───他最后很可能会因为商业诈骗而入狱。

9、There is a very mixed entry for the competition this year, but in the normal course of events the best two players finish up in the final.───今年有各形各色的人参加比赛, 但按照自然发展程序将有二名最佳选手在决赛中脱颖而出.

10、Finish up your drinks now, please.───请现在喝完。

11、We'll finish up the remains of the meat for supper.───晚饭时我们将把剩下的肉吃光.

12、I have some paperwork to finish up.───我有些文案工作要做完。

13、We must finish up this business in a day or two.───我们必须在一两天内把这事结束.

14、you're not careful, you could finish up seriously ill.───你要是不小心,可能到头来会得场大病。

15、Finish up that mess and we'll get along.───你把这些吃完了,我们一起去.

16、After I finish up here, we can talk about your training in Paris.───等我把事办完了, 我们一起讨论一下你去巴黎的行程.

17、You can finish up now.───现在你可以结束了.

18、We must finish up this business ahead of time.───我们必须提前把这件事了结.

finish up相似词语短语

1、dish up───起锅,分盛;把食物装盘,盛在盘中端上

2、finish off───结束,完成;毁灭;吃完

3、finished up───v.完成;结束;用光


5、to finish up───结束

6、finishes up───v.完成;结束;用光

7、finish top───完成顶部


9、finishing up───v.完成;结束;用光


Finish 是个动词,基本意思是“结束”“完成”,用法如下:

1、Finish作为及物动词,后面+名词,名词作为宾语。 例句She hasnot finished her homework。她没有完成家庭作业。

2、Finish作为及物动词,后面+动词作为宾语时,必须用动词的ing形式,不能用不定式 to do形式 例句I finished cleaning our room last night。我昨晚完成了房间的卫生打扫。 这里就不能用 I finished to clean our room last night。

3、Finish用作不及物动词。 例句My brother did not finish in time 我弟弟没能及时结束。

4、be finished 的用法:意思是:垮台了 完蛋了、失败了 The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles .这丑闻意味着她在娱乐圈完蛋了。

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