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come up against中文翻译,come up against是什么意思,come up against发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

come up against中文翻译,come up against是什么意思,come up against发音、用法及例句

come up against

come up against发音

英:  美:

come up against中文意思翻译



come up against双语使用场景

1、When you start entering data about real-world things, like people, into a computer system, you come up against the difficulty of creating a unique name for each thing.───开始将有关现实世界事物(如人)的数据输入计算机系统时,您会碰到为每样事物创建一个唯一的名称这一难题。

2、Ben's case is not unique but one of several I have come up against during the past few years.───本的案子并不特殊,我在过去的几年中也碰到了几起这样的案子。

3、Have you come up against Harry much in training?───在训练的时候你和哈利有身体对抗 吗 ?

4、It's here that we come up against the difference of approach.───正是在这一点上我们遇到方法上的分歧。

5、You may come up against a bit of opposition.───你可能会通到一些反对意见.

6、It's here that we come up against the difference of approach.───我们就是在这一点上面临方法上的分歧。

7、We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the plan.───我们预料这个计划会遭到很多人的反对。

8、We eventually conquered all the difficulties we had come up against.───最后,我们克服了我们所遇到的一切困难.

9、The army come up against fierce opposition in every town.───军队在各个城镇都遇到顽强抵抗.

10、I must say, this is a situation I haven't come up against before.───应该说这种情况我以前可没碰到过.

11、The Porto match will also see defender Ricardo Carvalho come up against his old club.───与波尔图的比赛也是后防大将里卡多-科瓦略与老东家的战斗.

12、He has come up against table of organization limitations.───他遇到有关组织机构的条文的限制.

13、Older people applying for jobs come up against an age barrier.───年纪大一些的人申请工作遇到年龄障碍.

14、Cannavaro is likely to come up against Liverpool striker Fernando Torres, a player he admires.───卡纳瓦罗很有可能对抗利物浦的射手托雷斯;托雷斯是他尊敬的一位球员.

15、Come up against irritated worry, oneself one person, how ability not sadness?───碰到烦心事, 自己一人, 怎样才能不悲伤?

16、Where to the skin is caught or come up against to be met protuberant, be dermatosis?───皮肤一抓或者碰到哪儿就会突起, 是皮肤病 吗 ?

17、How to come up against trouble to do? How calm?───碰到烦恼怎么办? 如何平静下来?

18、We shall solve all the problem we have come up against.───我们必须解决已经碰到的所有问题.

come up against相似词语短语

1、to run up against───碰到

2、ran up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇

3、come again───回来;重新赶上去;回去

4、run up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇

5、runs up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇

6、came up against───v.碰到;遭遇

7、coming up against───v.碰到;遭遇

8、to come up against───遇到

9、comes up against───v.碰到;遭遇


the past years过去的几年,在这句话前面应该用过去时态

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