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scaleup(scale up中文翻译,scale up是什么意思,scale up发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

scaleup(scale up中文翻译,scale up是什么意思,scale up发音、用法及例句)

scale up

scale up发音

英:  美:

scale up中文意思翻译



按比例增加[提高]; 按某种比例增加

scale up双语使用场景

1、The final chapter considers general scale - up considerations.───最后的章考虑一般的规模向上考虑.

2、For scale - up production , cells are grown in bioreactors.───为了大规模生产, 在生物反应器中培养细胞.

3、And there is a scale - up from an apparatus of the body to close - fitting accouterment.───还由人体上的某种器官,延展到人某些近身的佩饰之物上.

4、The semi - empirical methods are still the main tools for design and scale - up industry processes.───目前搅拌熟化有关的理论及设计计算方法仍不完善,许多仍采用半经验半理论的方法.

5、Keywords: plant cell culture, L - DOPA, agitated reactor, operation strategy, scale - up.───关键词: 植物细胞培养 、 L-DOPA、 搅拌反应槽 、 操作策略 、 扩大规模.

6、Furthermore, some researchers began to study the scale up of this technology.───此外, 也有一些学者开始尝试该技术的放大性研究工作.

7、The key questions one is scale up the apparatus and the the optimization of the process.───重点问题一是装置大型化的工程放大,二显工艺与设备的优化配置.

8、Scale - up and development reports, along with purity profiles would a validation report.───放大和开发报告, 以及杂质概况将构成验证报告.

9、Mitigation values scale up or down based on the con color of your attacker.───伤害吸收率会根据评估后敌人的颜色(与敌人的等级差)来调整.

10、Clearly defining employee needs in terms of numbers and training needs for skill to scale up.───明确了解员工技能需求,通过组织培训提升员工能力.

11、Scale up to 886 farmers.───规模养殖户达886户.

12、For now, stick with 1 - you can always scale up later.───目前,保持1即可—以后随时可以扩展。

13、When you rotate the analogue stick the symbols up and scale up as you pass them.───当你旋转模拟手柄,手柄指向的符号会变亮并有一定比例增大.

14、Once you scale up to the organization level, there are additional challenges.───当你提升了组织的级别,另外一些挑战又出现了。

15、You must have the ability to scale up as subscriptions grow.───必须能够随着订阅的增长进行扩展。

16、Despite these problems, many people think a massive scale - up of the industry is imminent.───尽管存在这些难题, 许多人认为大规模地发展该产业是迫在眉睫的.

17、Reason No.2 : There's scope for firms to scale up and form nationwide franchises.───整合原因之 二: 公司有发展壮大、形成全国性连锁超市的空间.

18、This provided the essential data for tryptophan production to scale up in the future.───这就为今后酶法合成色氨酸工艺产业化提供了必要的数据.

scale up相似词语短语

1、scrape up───vt.积攒;积蓄;凑集

2、scared up───张罗;凑合;把吓出来

3、scaled up───按比例放大;按比例增加



6、scares up───张罗;凑合;把吓出来

7、scales up───按比例放大;按比例增加


9、scare up───张罗;凑合;把吓出来

lab scale,pilot scale reactors,英文翻译




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