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help out with中文翻译,help out with是什么意思,help out with发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

help out with中文翻译,help out with是什么意思,help out with发音、用法及例句

help out with

help out with发音

英:  美:

help out with中文意思翻译



help out with双语使用场景

1、the next time you have the urge to help out with a crossword, ask for permission-even if the puzzle dates back to the Hoover administration.───如果下次你又有帮别人完成填字游戏的冲动,别急,先征求人家的允许,即使这个填字游戏可以追溯到胡佛时代。

2、They promised to help out with the preparation.───他们都保证帮我做准备工作.

3、He was offered to help out with anything that needed to be done.───他来帮着干任何需要做的事情.

4、Today, few children in the countryside help out with farming.───现在的农村孩子也很少去参与稼穑了.

5、I help out with the secretarial work.───我帮助做秘书工作。

6、We just moved , um. I called UPS to ask them to help out with some boxes.───我们刚搬家. 我打电话给联邦快递,请他们邮寄一些箱子.

7、I help out with the secretarial work.───我帮忙做秘书工作.

8、I think Mr. Smith can help out with this.───我想史密斯先生能代理.

9、I am about to take up a paid internship to help out with costs back in Ohio.───我之后回俄亥俄州学校参加一个有偿实习,可以帮助支付现在这笔开支。

help out with相似词语短语

1、helps off with───有助于

2、helped on with───帮了我的忙

3、helped off with───帮了我一把

4、helps on with───有助于

5、came out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

6、step out with───走出去

7、walk out with───和(异性朋友)出去玩,追求(某人),和…谈情说爱

8、help off with───帮我摆脱困境

9、help on with───帮助


Help out with和help with的区别在于,help out with更强调积极参与,而help with则更多的是提供帮助或支持。例如:

John helped out with the organizing of the event.John helped with the organizing of the event.

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