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clubfoot(club feet中文翻译,club feet是什么意思,club feet发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

clubfoot(club feet中文翻译,club feet是什么意思,club feet发音、用法及例句)

1、club feet

club feet发音

英:  美:

club feet中文意思翻译

n.畸形足,内外足( club foot的名词复数 )


club feet双语使用场景

1、He moves like a baboon with two club feet.───他的动作,像一只有两条畸形腿的狒狒.

2、My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk normally - but would never run very well.───我的儿子乔伊降生时,他的双脚畸形,医生让我们放心,他们说,通过治疗,乔伊可以像常人一样走路——但绝不可能跑得很快。

3、My son Joey was born with club feet.───我的儿子琼尼降生时,他的双脚向上弯弯着。

4、His business sense helped set the club on its feet again.───他的经营意识使俱乐部又重振雄风。

5、At 22 weeks GA , abdominal 2 D and 3 D sonography of the feet showing club feet.───孕22周, 胎儿足部的2D和3D超声图像显示畸形足异常.

club feet相似词语短语


2、club wheat───棒状小麦

3、club foot───内外足;畸形足

4、club root───n.棒状硬化根

5、claw feet───弓形足;爪形足

6、club deal───俱乐部交易


8、cold feet───害怕,胆怯;信心或勇气的丧失


2、My son Joey was born with club feet.The doctors told us that he would be able to walk,but would.


小题1:根据My son Joey was born with club feet.可知选C。

小题1:根据By the time he was eight,you wouldn’t know he had a problem when you saw him walk.可知选A。

小题1:根据only the top seven runners score for the school.可知选B。



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