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save the day中文翻译,save the day是什么意思,save the day发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

save the day中文翻译,save the day是什么意思,save the day发音、用法及例句

1、save the day

save the day发音

英:  美:

save the day中文意思翻译


反败为胜, 转危为安


save the day双语使用场景

1、Homer Simpson: Did I save the day?───荷马·辛普森: 我能够扭转败局 吗 ?

2、You really save the day for me.───您帮了我大忙.

3、Do you use digital technology to save the day's'takes '?───您是使用数码技术来保存当天的胶片 吗 ?

4、Goku is on his way, but will he arrive in time to save the day?───小悟空已经在赶来了, 可是他能及时赶到拯救一切 吗 ?

5、What's the difference between Wayne Rooney and Shrek? Shrek can save the day.───鲁尼和史莱克有什么不一样? 史莱克总能挽救局面.

6、Will Sheep summon the confidence she needs to save the day?───小绵羊能够振奋信心挽救这一天的表演 吗 ?

7、Bob: I'm sorry to hear that. I though my new advertising campaign would save the day.───我非常抱歉听到这个. 我以为我的新的广告可以让我们挽救大局.

8、The hero and heroine save the day.───主角挽救了大局。

9、Don't hesitate to jump in - you could save the day for your significant other or business partner.───不要犹豫,跳进 - 可以为您节省一天你的另一半或商业伙伴.

10、United fans have come to take for granted that van der Sar will save the day.───曼联球迷都想当然地认为范德萨能够转危为安。

11、And don't expect Bush to step in and save the day either.───同时也别指望布什来介入并救这一天。

12、A last moment election can save the day.───最后一刻举行选举可能会反败为胜。

13、I thought I'd activate the shield and save the day.───我想我可以激活防护层这样就可以拯救这个城市了.

14、Diegothe tiger , Manny the mammoth, and Sid the sloth are all back to save the day.───剑齿虎狄亚哥 、 长毛象蛮尼和树懒喜德全都重返萤光幕前,将一切化险为夷.

15、If they get the better hand of us, Tony would save the day.───如果他们居优势的话,东尼会使我们转败为胜的.

save the day相似词语短语

1、late in the day───在那天稍晚些时候;为时太晚,失时机

2、have the pip───听我说

3、rued the day───求白天

4、to save the day───为了拯救这一天

5、carry the day───获胜;战胜

6、lose the day───打败仗

7、rue the day───后悔这一天

8、name the day───择定婚期

9、seize the day───把握今天

2、求Charlie Puth的《one call away》中英文歌词

I'm only one call away


I'll be there to save the day

陪伴着你 为你带来美好一天

Superman got nothing on me


I'm only one call away


Call me, baby, if you need a friend

若你需要陪伴 就直接给我来电

I just wanna give you love


C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

来吧 需要我就给我来电吧

Reaching out to you, so take a chance

我已向你伸出双臂 就请让我爱你

No matter where you go


You know you're not alone


I'm only one call away


I'll be there to save the day

陪伴着你 为你带来美好一天

Superman got nothing on me


I'm only one call away


Come along with me and don't be scared

别害怕 就跟着我来吧

I just wanna set you free

放松自己 感受我的爱意

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

来吧 别犹豫 给我来电吧

You and me can make it anywhere


For now, we can stay here for a while

或者就像现在这样 在此时此地自由徜徉

Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile

你知道 我只要能看到你的微笑就很好

No matter where you go


You know you're not alone


I'm only one call away


I'll be there to save the day

为你实现所有心愿 带来美好一天

Superman got nothing on me


I'm only one call away


And when you're weak I'll be strong

当你感到脆弱无助 我便是你依靠的肩膀

I'm gonna keep holding on


Now don't you worry, it won't be long

不用担心 悲伤不会漫长

Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone

亲爱的 当你感到希望愈渐渺茫

Just run into my arms

就请奔向我的怀抱 我会让你重见美好

I'm only one call away


I'll be there to save the day

缤纷你的世界 为你带来美好一天

Superman got nothing on me


I'm only one, I'm only one~~ call away

而我心甘情愿 随叫随到听候你的差遣

I'll be there to save the day

陪伴着你 为你实现所有心愿

Superman got nothing on me

没人会比我更懂你 如我这样对你温柔体贴

I'm only one call away


I'm only one call away

也只有你 能让我这样心甘情愿


One call away 

《One Call Away》是美国歌手查理·普斯演唱的歌曲,由查理·普斯、DJ Frank E、MoZella、马特·普赖姆、Breyan Isaac、夏伊·卡特填词谱曲,收录在查理·普斯首张录音室专辑《Nine Track Mind》中,于2015年8月20日通过大西洋唱片发布。


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