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center stage中文翻译,center stage是什么意思,center stage发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

center stage中文翻译,center stage是什么意思,center stage发音、用法及例句

center stage

center stage发音

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center stage中文意思翻译



center stage双语使用场景

1、They cheered as his golden casket was wheeled out to a lIt'spot below center stage.───当他那金色的小箱被推到明灯照耀下的舞台中心时,他们欢呼了.

2、That is when the euro took center stage because of a structural weakness in its constitution.───这是由于在欧洲站上中心舞台之时,组织内部存在结构性缺陷.

3、Try making one evening meal a week where your organic eggs take center stage.───尝试每个星期做一顿晚餐,让你的有机鸡蛋成为最重要的食物。

4、Comedy takes center stage during the annual Just for Laughs festival.───一年一度的嬉笑节上,喜剧占据了舞台的中心位置。

5、Currently, services have center stage in the evolution process.───现在, 服务已经登上的发展的舞台.

6、In European action, Mother Naturet ook center stage as heavy snowfall blanketed parts of London.───在欧洲方面, 由于暴风雪覆盖了伦敦部分地区,当地气候成了关注焦点.

7、His constant taking center stage could deprive him of his.───privacy.他好出风头的毛病让他毫无隐私可言.

8、Sunday's final of beach volleyball Brought a pair of Olympic contenders to center stage.───星期天的沙滩排球赛,一对奥运选手是人们关注的焦点.

9、These were the Olympic Games, and soon it would be his moment to take center stage.───这是在奥林匹克运动会上, 而且马上就轮到他出场了.

10、The Got Talent show is where dreams take center stage.───在达人秀的舞台上,梦想倍受瞩目。

11、How high the center stage that day!───心有多高,舞台就有多大!

12、Weak numbers to take center stage in stimulus debate.───弱号码采取中心阶段刺激辩论.

13、Center stage can rotate, change movements, the three - arched side, full of realistic architectural styles.───中心舞台可旋转 、 升降变化, 3个拱形方柱, 充满现实主义的建筑风格.

center stage相似词语短语

1、center plates───拨盘;人心板

2、center plate───拨盘;人心板


4、left stage───左舞台

5、center stages───中央舞台

6、centre stage───中心


8、center back───n.中后卫

9、centre stages───中心


Center Stage词典[**]中央舞台  例句:  They cheered as his golden casket was wheeled out to a brightly lit spot below centerstage.  当他那金色的小箱被推到明灯照耀下的舞台中心时,他们欢呼了。

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