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成就的英文(great achievements中文翻译,great achievements是什么意思,great achievements发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

成就的英文(great achievements中文翻译,great achievements是什么意思,great achievements发音、用法及例句)

great achievements

great achievements发音

英:  美:

great achievements中文意思翻译



great achievements双语使用场景

1、Contingency theory has got great achievements for considering leader's behavior under situations.───权变理论将领导行为与情景相结合,取得极大的成就.

2、Mozart was a famous composer contemporary with Beethoven, both of whom made great achievements in the field of music.───莫扎特是与贝多芬同时代的著名作曲家,两人在音乐领域都取得了巨大的成就。

3、One of the great achievements of the modern science and technology is the conquest of space.───现代科学技术的一项伟大成就是对空间的征服.

4、He made great achievements in the field of music.───他在音乐领域里取得了很大的成就.

5、I intend to write the history of the great achievements we have performed together.───我准备将我们过去共同取得的伟大成就写下来.

6、He made great achievements in the field of astronomy.───他在天文学领域取得了巨大成就.

7、Ex situ re - run the school for six years, great achievements.───学校易地复办六年, 硕果累累.

8、It's an indisputable fact that we have made great achievements.───我们取得了伟大的成绩,这是无可争辩的事实.

9、It is only natural the opposite will cry down our great achievements.───自然,反对派将会诋毁我们的巨大成就.

10、In spite of a lack of funds, great achievements were made.───尽管经历了资金短缺等种种困难,最终, 他获得了成功.

11、I want to make great achievements to realize my dream.───我想做出重大的成就,以实现我的梦想.

12、Great achievements for a man who for nearly 5 000 years was thought to be mythical.───这位近5000年来被视为神话人物的国王曾经创立了非凡的业绩.

13、Great achievements have been made in the establishment of nature reserves.───自然保护区建设取得重大成就.

14、The year went out, with great achievements on all fronts.───这一年以各阵线都获得卓越的功绩而结束.

15、He is credited with great achievements in physics.───他被认为在物理学方面有很大的成就.

16、Abraham Lincoln is especially ace - high for his great achievements.───亚伯拉罕.林肯因他的伟大业绩受到人们的尊敬.

17、In the last few years, China has made great achievements in environmental protection.───过去几年中,中国在环境保护方面取得了巨大成就。

great achievements相似词语短语

1、lifetime achievements───终身成就



4、great achievement───伟大成就;丰功伟绩

5、greatest achievement───最大的成就







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