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leave behind中文翻译,leave behind是什么意思,leave behind发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

leave behind中文翻译,leave behind是什么意思,leave behind发音、用法及例句

1、leave behind

leave behind发音

英:  美:

leave behind中文意思翻译


忘带; 留下; 丢弃; 使落后


leave behind双语使用场景

1、He must leave behind for pawns, his mother, wife and sons.───他必须留下母亲 、 妻子和儿子们作人质.

2、The I. O . C.'s solution is to stress what the Games leave behind.───IOC的解决方式是,重点关注奥运会后会留下什么.

3、As humanity thaws out, humanity will leave behind the forgetfulness that they are in.───当人类开始解冻, 人类将走出失忆的状态.

4、We cannot bring ourselves to leave behind those lares and penates.───我们舍不得丢弃那些传家之宝.

5、But, the dialect is an ancient social intercourse information to leave behind, is a phonetic fossil.───但是, 方言是古代交际信息的遗留, 是语言的化石.

6、Karma is generally the reason that humans do not leave behind what makes them miserable.───业力通常是一个人不扔下让他们变得悲惨的事物的原因.

7、Do not leave behind any personal belongings.───六、请不要遗忘随身所带的物品.

8、I leave behind my dreams and I hasten to your call.───我把梦想丢下,来奔赴我的召唤.

9、Sometimes, the traces of breadcrumbs you leave behind are the only clues that you have an eating disorder.───有时,你留下的面包屑痕迹是暗示你患有饮食失调症的唯一线索。

10、So we leave behind this Codex.───所以我们留下了这本法典.

11、Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: What do we leave behind when we cross each frontier?───格瓦拉: 当我们穿过每一道边境的时候留在我们身后的是什么?

12、Maybe, it's because that someone, something or somewhere, once you leave behind you can never return.───我想, 可能是因为有些人有些事有些地方.一旦离开,就回不去了.

13、All Meguiar's washes also contain special conditioning agents that leave behind a slick, high gloss surface.───所有的美光的洗车香波都包含特殊的护理剂,它可使漆面光滑 、 玻璃般光亮.

14、It's very difficult to leave behind people I know are victims of trafficking.───对我来说,不管不顾那么我知道的人口贩卖的受害者是非常困难的.

15、That will prove a far greater legacy than any inheritance you might one day leave behind.───和其他遗产相比,这种能力无疑是父母能给予孩子的更伟大的馈赠.

16、What did I leave behind?───我落什么东西了?

17、About love, sees the initial beauty without enough time, turns around to leave behind me.───关于爱情, 来不及看见最初的美丽, 就转身留下我一个人.

18、Now they're gone and they leave behind grieving families and grieving classmates, and a grieving nation.───现在他们就 这样 走了,只留下了他们的家庭,同伴, 和一个同样处境中的国家,共同去承担这无情的,伤悲.

19、To leave behind Earth and air and gravity is an ancient dream of humanity.───飞离地球摆脱大气层和地球引力的束缚是人类亘古未灭的梦想.

20、It's what you leave behind you when you go.───它表示你会留下什么在你身后.

21、It's very difficult to leave behind people I know are victims of human trafficking.───当知道他们是被人口走私的受害者时,我无法丢下他们不管.

22、we humans leave behind?───我们人类又能留下什么呢?

23、The way we play tonight ( YEA ! ) Is what we leave behind ( thats right ).───今晚我们将全力以赴,投入比赛 ( 就该这样 ).

24、Everybody's got something they had to leave behind.───每个人都得到某事他们对休假有臀部.

25、While you're at it, go ahead and leave behind your envy, anger, impatience and frustration.───既然你在这儿, 走在前面,留下你的嫉妒 、 愤怒 、 急躁、沮丧.

26、I leave behind e as a pledge this pin, worth ten times the amount.───我留下这只十倍于房钱饭钱的夹针作抵押品.

27、Supernovae remnants can leave behind pulsars or spinning neutron stars that may produce gravitational waves.───超新星遗迹中可能还存留有脉冲星或自旋中子星,而这些都会产生引力波.

28、By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character.───打开一本小说,我就可以放下负担,进入一个奇妙而神秘的世界,在那里我现在是一个新的人物。

29、Unfortunately for you, it might stain your shirt and leave behind a nasty smell.───不幸的是这些汗水会弄脏你的衣服,也会留下难闻的气味.

30、That said , Igawa isn't completely looking to leave behind his first experiences in a Yankees uniform.───显示出:井川庆首次登板后真的不想下投手丘.

31、We shall pass the ford of Tirpurni, and leave behind us the desert of Tepantar.───我们会经过提普尼浅滩, 把泰潘塔沙漠远远地抛在我们后面.

32、Analogies my youth with the sunlight, does not want to start to leave behind any regret!───用阳光比喻我的青春, 不要在开始留下任何遗憾!

33、Don't bemoan anything or anyone that you need to leave behind.───不要再去抱怨那些你本该忘记的人或事.

leave behind相似词语短语

1、lay behind───为某事之理由,是……的原因

2、lain behind───躺在后面

3、leaves behind───留下

4、to leave behind───留下

5、leaving behind───留下;遗留;超过

6、fall behind───拖欠;落在后面

7、fell behind───落后;拖欠

8、leaved behind───留下的

9、lie behind───为某事之理由,是……的原因



vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托;vi. 离开,出发;留下;n. 许可,同意;休假

leave behind


keep back


leave over





{$i} 恐怕你没给我留下选择的余地。

I'm afraid you leave me no choice.

{$i} 那段经历给她留下终生的创伤。

The experience left her scarred for life.

{$i} 她出去了,留下雷切尔脱衣淋浴。

She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and take a shower.

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