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the teacher中文翻译,the teacher是什么意思,the teacher发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

the teacher中文翻译,the teacher是什么意思,the teacher发音、用法及例句

the teacher

the teacher发音

英:  美:

the teacher中文意思翻译



the teacher双语使用场景

1、No matter the parents or the teacher has no right to dominate or to restrict his behaviour.───无论父母还是老师都没有特权去支配或限制他们的行为。

2、Check this out. The teacher asked me to tell you to do better next time.───听着。老师让我叫你下次做好点。

3、She said the teacher hit her using a stick because she had not finished the works of last time.───她说老师用棍子打她是因为她没补完上次的作业。

4、The teacher gave out the exam papers.───老师分发了试卷。

5、The teacher has mistaken opinion of his pupil. Her doesn't use simple plain language and he is often mistaken.───老师错误的引导学生的观点。他从来不用简单的语言而且还经常犯错。

6、The girl sassed the teacher all day.───这个女孩整天对这位教师出言不逊。

7、They set off in file behind the teacher.───他们跟在教师后面鱼贯出发。

8、When the teacher came into the classroom, he was trying to take off the ridiculous behavior of the teacher in class.───当老师走进教室的时候,他正在模仿那个老师在课堂上可笑的行为。

9、The teacher patted her on the shoulder and told her to go on with her work.───教师拍拍她的肩膀,叫她继续做她的作业。

the teacher相似词语短语

1、the ether───乙醚

2、the Archer───人马座

3、the Preacher───传教士


5、PT teacher───PT教师

6、head teachers───(英国)校长

7、home teacher───(英)家庭教师

8、PE teacher───体育教师

9、head teacher───(英国)校长

the teacher是he还是she?

the teacher是特指的那个老师,既可以是he,也可以是she.

teacher是一个中性词,既能指男老师,也能指女老师。判断用he还是she指代the teacher,要根据具体的语境来判断。

比如,Mr. Li is our English teacher.

Mr.Li指明是男性,那么the teacher就用he。

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