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southeast asia中文翻译,southeast asia是什么意思,southeast asia发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

southeast asia中文翻译,southeast asia是什么意思,southeast asia发音、用法及例句

southeast asia

southeast asia发音

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southeast asia中文意思翻译


东南亚; [地名] [亚细亚洲] 东南亚

southeast asia双语使用场景

1、They know that the destiny of Singapore is in Southeast Asia.───我国华人也知道,新加坡的命运紧密维系在东南亚.

2、AIA insurance company for Southeast Asia leading insurance companies.───总公司友邦保险为东南亚首屈一指的保险公司.

3、They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa.───他们期望抗生素产品出口到东南亚和非洲。

4、Savers," founded in 1950, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.───国际防盲救盲组织成立于1950年,如今在非洲、加勒比海和东南亚各地区开展项目。

5、Outbound Price Driven warming down, Southeast Asia, Europe to become " hot. "───价格下调带动出境游升温, 东南亚 、 欧洲等地成为 “ 热门 ”.

6、The curtain must now rise on a widely different scene in Southeast Asia before the readers.───现在必须在读者面前展开东南亚的一幅迥然不同的画面.

7、Our products have been exported to America, Europe and Southeast Asia market.───产品覆盖美洲 、 欧洲和东南亚.

8、The security of all of southeast Asia will be endangered if Laos loses its neutral independence.───如果老挝失去了它中立立场的独立,整个东南亚的安全将受到威胁.

9、The annual Southeast asia festival is held in our region.───咱们有一年一度的东南亚**节?

10、Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.───家鸡是由东南亚原鸡演变而来的。

11、Build in southeast Asia area have more and joint - stock plant.───在东南亚地区建立有更多合资工厂.

12、These are Bengali, Tamil, and Malay, spoken in south and southeast Asia.───这三种语言是南亚和东南亚的孟加拉语 、 泰米尔语和马来语.

13、The Philippine government wants the U.S. to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia.───菲律宾政府希望美国保留在东南亚的驻军。

14、Penicillium marneffei infection is endemic in South China and Southeast Asia.───马尔尼菲青霉菌感染主要在中国的南方和东南亚地区呈地方性流行.

15、The 2004 tsunami destroyed large parts of South and Southeast Asia.───2004年的海啸摧毁了南亚和东南亚的很大一部分地区.

16、Southeast Asia is a Chinese most the area with concentration, most population.───东南亚是华人最集中 、 人口最多的地区.

17、Heath was acute in his assessment of Southeast Asia and the Middle East.───希思深刻地分析了东南亚和中东局势.

18、Our factory exports to Southeast Asia.───我厂向东南亚出口产品.

southeast asia相似词语短语

1、Southeast Asians───东南亚人

2、Southeast Asian───东南亚的

3、Southeast Asia───东南亚



6、southeast by easts───东南微东





东南亚(Southeast Asia)位于亚洲的东南部,包括中南半岛和马来群岛两大部分。中南半岛因位于中国以南而得名,南部的细长部分叫马来半岛。马来群岛散布在太平洋和印度洋之间的广阔海域,共有两万多个岛屿,分属印度尼西亚、马来西亚、东帝汶、文莱和菲律宾等国。东南亚地区共有11个国家:越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、文莱、菲律宾、东帝汶、新加坡,面积约457万平方千米。

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