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what did中文翻译,what did是什么意思,what did发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

what did中文翻译,what did是什么意思,what did发音、用法及例句

what did

what did发音

英:  美:

what did中文意思翻译



what did双语使用场景

1、V: I feel so free and yet strangely empty, now that Lavok is dead. . . What did you think of him, ?───我感觉如此轻松却又奇怪地空虚着,Lavok已经死了……你对他保持着什么看法呢?

2、While that did not happen, what did was that the G20 nations agreed on essentially creating more money to help countries that need more aid.───尽管这未能实现,不过G20成员国已经达成一致,必须拿出更多的钱来帮助那些需要更多经济援助的国家。

3、LILY: Oh dear! Well, was it a good match? What did Jim think of it?───莉莉:天哪!唉,比赛很精彩吗?吉姆怎么看?。

4、Besides, what did this matter compared to what I would have had to endure if I had tried a new restaurant?───再说,如果去尝试新餐馆,岂不比这还要难以忍受得多?

5、What did you say was the matter with him?───你说他怎么啦?

6、" He said: " you know I'm waiting two years earlier, what did you do?───他说:“你居然知道我等了两年,早些时候做什么去了?”

7、What did you enjoy (the) most?───你最欣赏的是什么?

8、What did she do for a living ?───她过去干哪一行为生?

9、What did she tell you, anyway?───她到底对你说了什么?

what did相似词语短语

1、what if───假使…将会怎么样


3、that is───即;就是说;换言之

4、what for───为什么;为何目的

5、what with───因为




是表过去时的特殊疑问句,例如:What did you do yesterday?昨天你干什么了?

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