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at the moment(at themoment中文翻译,at themoment是什么意思,at themoment发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

at the moment(at themoment中文翻译,at themoment是什么意思,at themoment发音、用法及例句)

1、at themoment

at themoment发音

英:  美:

at themoment中文意思翻译



at themoment双语使用场景

1、We're far from home. What are our parents doing at themoment?───我们现在远离家,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?

2、The shop does not have any brown sugar in stock at themoment, but it expects to have some tomorrow.───该店目前没有任何库存的红糖,但预计明天会有些货。

3、At themoment most such waste is stored near the plant until it can be moved to a permanent facility.───现在,多数废料贮存在电站的附近直到被转移到固定的地点。

4、Bob: Well, I understand English much better than I speak it at themoment.───鲍勃: 嗯,目前来看我的英语理解能力比我的口语能力要好得多。

5、At themoment, we found the highest point on our island which was the tip of our huge volcano, and then added more than a kilometre to it.───目前来讲,我们找到的最高的位置是在火山的顶端再加一公里多在其之上。

6、Chen is occupied at themoment and wants to know if your business is urgent.───陈先生正忙着,请问您的事变很紧急吗?

7、Each rectangle is a window that at themoment shows a realistically marbled doughnut.───每个矩形框都是一个窗口,此刻正显示着一幅逼真的大理石纹样环形图。

8、Only with all bookings entered at themoment they arrive at the hotel can we ensure our portfolio is up to date and we can make correct decisions based onthe "on the books" situation.───只有在酒店接到预订时就将所有的预订录入系统,才能确保预订情况是最新的,才能根据现时酒店预订状态做出正确的决定。

at themoment相似词语短语

1、for the moment───暂时,暂且;目前

2、watershed moment───转折时刻;分水岭

3、of the moment───此刻

4、heat treatment───[机]热处理

5、at the latest───最迟;至迟

6、at the most───至多,不超过

7、aha moment───n.顿悟时刻

8、the moment───立刻,马上;一…就

9、at home───在家;在国内;熟悉

2、at the moment时态标志是什么

at the moment可以翻译为此时或者那时。1、如果翻译为此时,那么现在时和现在进行时都可以,甚至现在完成时也能用。2、如果翻译为那时,那么大多用过去时或者过去进行时。

at the moment造句子

1、Not at the moment。

2、IELTS is very hot at the moment。

3、ECONOMIC woes afflict many at the moment。

4、She must be in the television studio at the moment。

5、The headlines are all about sovereign debt at the moment。

6、The government is looking very shaky at the moment。





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