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formal charge中文翻译,formal charge是什么意思,formal charge发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

formal charge中文翻译,formal charge是什么意思,formal charge发音、用法及例句

1、formal charge

formal charge发音

英:  美:

formal charge中文意思翻译




formal charge双语使用场景

1、So what we see is that the formal charge on the nitrogen is 0.───因此我们看到氮的形式电荷是零。

2、So we end up with a formal charge on carbon of negative 1.───因此最终我们得到碳的形式电荷量是负一。

3、To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge.───提出正式的控告或起诉.

4、We haven't actually learned how to calculate the formal charge yet, we'll learn it soon.───实际上我们还没学如何计算形式电荷,我们很快就会学到了。

formal charge相似词语短语

1、toll charge───通行税;道路税;养路费

2、monthly charge───按月收费;月费

3、normal curve───正常曲线;常态曲线

4、free charge───免费;[电]自由电荷

5、formal garden───规则式庭园

6、fixed charge───n.固定支出

7、cover charge───附加费;服务费

8、formal theories───[数]形式理论

9、door charge───充电门

2、formal english求救 高分!! 答对了 加分

格式: 序号 expressions - 哪里找到 - 口语化

1) References available upon request - CV上找到 -Let me know if you need references

2) No refund without receipts - 商店cashier - we don't provide refund if the receipt is not with you

3) Keep safe for future reference - 收据上 - make sure you don't lose it in case that you get problems with your purchasing in the future

4) indecent assaults - 学校的安全警告email里 - terrible events

5) Terms and conditions - 合同上 - contract

6) Acceptance by conduct - law的书上 - if you have done it, it's assumed that you've accepted it.

7) Here the rule would apply - law书上 - the rule would take effect here

8) Do not attempt more than 3 questions - 考卷上 - don't answer more than 3 questions

9) Termination of the procedure - 忘了,好像医院网站上 - stop the cure

10) extenuating circumstances - 学校网站上关于特殊情况 - very special reasons

11) fulfillment of contract - law书上 - fulfilling the contract

12) Not refundable - 打折商品上 - you may not get the refund

13)Building will be immediately evacuated - 火警安全须知 - everyone is asked to leave the building

14)Lost property - 失物招领处。。 - stuff that people left by mistake

15)Give 1 month's notice before .. - 忘了,很多地方都有比如工作合同上关于辞职。。 - inform us one month in advance

特点: 1)often (formal) nouns used; 2)formal verbs used instead of casual words; 3)formal phrases used; 4)proper prep. usage; 5)passive voice used; etc...

Hope this is of some help! Cheers! :)

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