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银行卡英语(bank card中文翻译,bank card是什么意思,bank card发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

银行卡英语(bank card中文翻译,bank card是什么意思,bank card发音、用法及例句)

bank card

bank card发音

英:  美:

bank card中文意思翻译



bank card双语使用场景

1、Post bank card for industry and commerce may through ATM transfer?───邮政银行卡可以和工商银行卡可以通过ATM转帐 么 ?

2、This paper investigates the existing bank card anti - fraud system's development process. "───本论文首先总结和回顾了一下现有的银行卡 反 欺诈的发展过程.

3、If you lose your cell, the thief can text Hubbyfor a "forgotten" PIN and then use your bank card to clear out youraccount.───如果你丢了电话,小偷能发信息给你丈夫,问“忘记了”的个人识别码,然后用你的银行卡扫荡你的帐户。

4、Insert your bank card here.───把银行卡从这里插进去.

5、May I have your bank card and the withdrawal slip, please?───请给我您的银行卡和取款凭条.

6、For starters, you'll need to gauge your chances of escaping verses surviving a “hostage” situation, whether it lasts the duration of a bank card withdrawal or months in captivity.───对于初学者,你得权衡:是逃生的几率大,还是更有可能挺过被劫持难关; (劫持)只限于用银行卡提取现金的时间段,还是可能被囚禁数月。

7、While shopping online, you can pay with your bank card.───网上购物可以用银行卡交款.

8、My Star Hotel accepts cash, Local Bank Card or Credit Card.───本酒店接受现金和国内卡付帐.

9、Inside with a bank card that must recharge it?───那必须用银行卡往里充值 么 ?

10、The secret code of his bank card has been stolen.───他的银行卡密码被盗取了.

11、Pass a few days, bank card may defrost?───过几天, 银行卡可能会解冻 吗 ?

12、Rupees backed by an ATM receipt and foreign bank card may be sufficient.───用ATM机兑换的卢比收据和国外银行卡是必备的。

13、Can I have a Union Pay Bank Card?───我想办一张银联卡,可以 吗 ?

14、May I have your bank card or your savings account number, please ?───我可以看您的银行卡或告诉我您的储蓄账号 吗 ?

15、Have you got a bank card?───您用银行卡 吗 ?

16、This paper investigates the existing bank card anti - fraud system's development process.───个符合中小银行现状的基于神经网络的银行卡 反 欺诈系统模型.

17、SMS alert bank card fraud.───警惕银行卡短信诈骗.

18、A: May I see your bank card and ID card, please ?───能看一下您的银行卡和身份证 吗 ?

bank card相似词语短语


2、tank car───油罐车;洒水车


4、bank raid───抢劫银行

5、bank barn───斜坡谷仓;山坡马房

6、bank cards───银行卡;信用卡

7、bin card───[计]卡片箱


bank card NO.


bank card 英[bk kɑ:d] 美[bk kɑrd]

n. 银行信用卡;

[例句]\"I need a bank card so that I can draw my money on ATM anywhere\".


[其他] 复数:bank cards

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