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hold true(holds true中文翻译,holds true是什么意思,holds true发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

hold true(holds true中文翻译,holds true是什么意思,holds true发音、用法及例句)

holds true

holds true发音

英:  美:

holds true中文意思翻译



holds true双语使用场景

1、An oversupply of women, however, tends to lead to a more sexually permissive culture. The same holds true on college campuses.───而由于女性数量的供过于求,则会导致更加随意的性行为,同样趋势也很容易在大学校园里出现。

2、When you want a group of activities to run multiple times, until some condition no longer holds true, you can use a while loop activity.───当您希望在某个条件不再为True之前多次运行一组活动时,您可以使用While循环活动。

3、And keep in mind that this holds true regardless of the length of your speech.───还要记住的是,这一点总是很适用的,这和你演说的长度无关。

4、All this holds true whilst performance is good. If performance is poor then clients will not be interested at any price of course.───我认为这是分析师所指的排场.当绩效好的时候,这种效应就会显现.若绩效不佳,即便价格再低,客户也不会感兴趣。

5、Regardless of what you are trying to rent, the same process of planning still holds true.───不管你要租赁什么,策划的过程都是一样的。

6、The same holds true for brands.───对品牌来说也是如此。

7、Now the opposite holds true.───现在,相反的情况却成为了现实。

8、I'm very sorry that you've decided to leave, and I am sure that holds true for everyone else here.───你决定离去,我感到很难过,我相信,这里的每个人都会如此。

9、That rule no longer holds true.───这个规律将不再正确。

holds true相似词语短语

1、come true───实现,成真;成为现实


3、folds up───倒闭;撒手;垮台;放弃;折叠

4、hold true───适用;有效

5、holds up───堵塞;拦劫;要高价(holdup的动词单数第三人称形式)


7、holly tree───冬青树

8、holds forth───v.滔滔地说;提供

9、holds out───坚持;伸出;提供;维持;抵制;主张;扣留




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