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grow out中文翻译,grow out是什么意思,grow out发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

grow out中文翻译,grow out是什么意思,grow out发音、用法及例句

1、grow out

grow out发音

英:  美:

grow out中文意思翻译




grow out双语使用场景

1、You'll soon grow out of your fear of other boys.───你将很快摆脱其它男孩子带给你的恐惧感.

2、But I'll more likely just, as I said, grow out of it.───但是我更可能如我说过的会逐渐讨厌那样.

3、Most children who stammer grow out of it.───大多数口吃的儿童长大以后就好了。

4、Art grow out of both positive and negative feeling.───艺术戒除积极和否定感觉.

5、It'll grow out again -- you won't mind, will you?───头发会再长起来 —— 你不会介意, 是 吗 ?

6、The line readings then grow out of the situations.───先是念台词然后再投入到场景里.

7、He'll soon grow out of wetting the bed.───他大些就会很快改掉尿床的毛病的.

8、To superimpose this life I was born into and grow out of.───我在生长出去;叠映的生活不能叠加其上.

9、Crime and punishment grow out of one stem.───罪与罚本是同茎生.

10、Beard hair will take six months to grow out.───胡子头发需六个月成长.

11、Here, can I really have your jeans when you grow out of them?───喂,等你穿不下这些牛仔裤时真的可以给我吗?

12、Don't worry, he'll soon grow out of wanting to be a fireman.───别担心, 他不久以后长大一点就不再想当消防员了.

13、takes about 150 days to grow out a full length fingernail.───长出一个完整的指甲大约需要150天。

14、Many children suck their thumbs. Most of them grow out of it.───很多孩子嘬大拇指, 但大多数大了就不会了.

15、Many children stammer but grow out of it.───很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。

16、The doctor said it was colic and that she would grow out of it.───医生说她患的是腹绞痛,长大了就没事了。

17、Our Dickon can make a flower grow out of brick.───我们的狄肯能让花从砖里长出来。

grow out相似词语短语

1、blow out───吹熄;爆裂;(保险丝)熔断;减少或耗尽……的能量;喷出(油或气体);取消

2、bow out───退出,辞职

3、throw out───v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出

4、crowd out───vt.挤出;推开

5、grows out───出,发芽;拉架子

6、grown out───出,发芽;拉架子

7、gross out───惹人讨厌;冒犯

8、brown out───(为节电等原因)把灯火弄暗;灯火管制

9、grew out───出,发芽;拉架子


1、“pull in ”原来的意思是”吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留“。在供应链管理中,”Pull in“表示要求提前交货。

2、“push out“原来的意思是“推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人”。在供应链管理中,”Push out“表示延期交货。


We will expedite to open the L/C would you please pull-in delivery. Thanks you.


We will push out delivery.



1、I be get push out of the train.


2、Companies sometimes do this to be able to push out program updates every few weeks.


3、Every day is a new day and a new chance to improve, push out boundaries andgrow.


4、He pulled in at the side of the road


5、You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.


6、I order to pull in to shore.


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