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sea salt中文翻译,sea salt是什么意思,sea salt发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

sea salt中文翻译,sea salt是什么意思,sea salt发音、用法及例句

1、sea salt

sea salt发音

英:  美:

sea salt中文意思翻译



sea salt双语使用场景

1、Underneath there was an old boat - cloak, whitened with sea - salt on many a harbour - bar.───再下面有件旧水手斗篷, 已经被海盐染成了白色.

2、Ingredients: Natural sea salt, aloe moisturizing essence, Carbonate, cell activator.───成份: 天然海盐成分 、 芦荟保湿精华 、 碳酸水素钠 、 细胞活力因子等.

3、Active ingredients fresh honey, propolis, natural cane sugar and sea salt.───新鲜蜂蜜, 蜂胶, 天然甘蔗糖,海盐.

4、Ingredient: Sea salt, Olive essence etc.───主要成份: 深海盐粒子 、 橄榄精华等.

5、Coconut powder, Milk, Coconut plant particle, Cane sugar, Sea salt, Soya bean.───椰子粉, 牛奶, 椰子植物颗粒, 甘蔗糖, 海盐, 大豆油.

6、Ingredients List: Deep ocean algae, sea salt, beautify - body essence and almond oil.───成份表: 深海海藻, 海盐, 美体精华,杏仁油.

7、Ingredient: Shea butter, sea salt and sweet almond oil etc.───主要成份: 乳木果、海盐、甜杏仁油 、 杏仁颗粒、溶角蛋白酶.

8、Ingredient: Almond and sea salt etc.───主要成份: 杏仁、海盐、杏仁颗粒、橄榄多酚.

9、But the people of Ding and Can liked to eat sea salt.───盐制的不合理和粮食分布的不匀称的状况构成了闽粤赣边区的盐粮流通.

10、At this' mature stage ', sea salt could be harvested for commercial use.───在这个成熟期,海盐可以作为商业用途被采集。

11、salt, Rosenbloom says, contains slightly less sodium per teaspoon than table salt only because sea salt is coarser, so fewer grains fit into the teaspoon.───海盐单位钠含量比细盐低仅仅是因为海盐比较粗,更蓬松而已,所以一汤匙的海盐比一汤匙细盐少。

12、Natural aerosols are produced by sea salt, desert dust, volcanic eruptions and smoke from forest fires. ───天然的浮质是由海盐、沙漠灰尘、火山爆发物与森林火情的烟雾产生的;

13、There are two types of sodium chloride: rock salt and sea salt.───氯化钠有二种类型: 岩盐和海盐.

14、Naturally combines with Dead Sea salt and plant oil.───死海矿物盐和按摩油的自然组合.

15、It is heavily polluted with sea - salt aerosols ( mainly chlorides ).───这个是被海盐重度污染的 ( 主要是氯化物 ).

16、Toss potatoes with sea salt, pepper and fresh cilantro and serve hot.───最后加入海盐 、 胡椒和新鲜的芫荽摇匀,趁热装盘.

17、Ingredients: Sea Salt, Jojoba ester, lavender essence, pigment , frankincense.───成分: 海盐, 霍霍巴脂, 薰衣草香精, 色素.

18、Season with a little sea salt and grated pepper.───拌匀,用少许盐和黑胡椒调味.

sea salt相似词语短语

1、sea kale───海甘蓝

2、sea palm───海棕榈

3、sea walnut───海核桃

4、sea calf───海牛

5、sea mat───藻苔虫

6、sea wall───n.海堤;防波堤

7、sea salts───n.海盐

8、sea shanty───船夫号子

9、sea snails───海螺


黑胡椒英文:black pepper。

黑胡椒(学名:Piper nigrum),又名黑川,是胡椒科的一种开花藤本植物,它的果实在晒干后通常可作为香料和调味料使用。同样的果实还是白胡椒、红胡椒与绿胡椒的制作原料,黑胡椒粉是未成熟果实加工而成。黑胡椒原产于南印度,在当地和其他热带地区都有着广泛的种植。果实在晒干后会成为直径5毫米的胡椒子核果。



1、Add a few shakes of sea salt and black pepper。


2、Grind some black pepper over the salad。


3、The nose shows black pepper and cloves aromas,with good spiciness。


4、Season with salt, black peppercorn and minced red chili。


5、It is less irritating than black pepper to the coating of the stomach。


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