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made out中文翻译,made out是什么意思,made out发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

made out中文翻译,made out是什么意思,made out发音、用法及例句

1、made out

made out发音

英:  美:

made out中文意思翻译



made out双语使用场景

1、They made out a shadowy form in front of them.───他们隐约认出了前面的模糊人影。

2、The doctor made out a prescription for me.───医生给我开了一张处方。

3、Because the war caused a shortage of these organic sources, cleaning products began to be made out of petroleum.───因为战争造成此类有机资源的短缺,清洁产品开始由石油制造。

4、The woman took out her chequebook and quickly made out four cheques.───那个女人拿出支票簿迅速开了4张支票。

5、Commercial invoices must be made out in the name of the Applicant and need not be signed.───商业发票上必须做成以申请人的名称为抬头且发票无须签字。

6、If you suppose near this, to regain the money to go, that individualBut advert him to artist the baals and made out of: vessel now!───如果你这个假设近,恢复钱去,他个人,但广告和巴力的艺术家出于:船吧!

7、Nor, for that matter, is "the west" the one-dimensional land of individualism and irresponsible capitalism it is often made out to be.───就这点而言,“西方”也并非一块一元化的、由个人主义和毫无责任感的资本主义主导的土地——尽管人们常常误以为如此。

8、Investigators also found a $40 check made out to Zhu in Yang's room, a further clue the two were well acquainted with each other.───调查人员还在杨欣屋内发现了一张写给朱海洋的40美元支票,这一线索进一步表明了两人很熟。

9、It had a pocket made out of lace and snapped shut to hold the tooth.───它有一个用蕾丝做的口袋,紧紧地扎着用来装(我的)牙齿。

made out相似词语短语

1、ate out───上馆子吃饭;锈坏;使腐烂

2、bale out───v.用降落伞降落

3、make out───理解;辨认出;说明;填写;设法应付

4、fade outs───v.淡出;渐弱

5、fades out───v.淡出;渐弱

6、ladle out───舀出;提供

7、fade out───v.淡出;渐弱

8、faded out───v.淡出;渐弱

9、ad out───n.(Adout)人名;(法)阿杜

2、be made out of/be made from区别?

be made out of释义:



Wine can be made out of [from] rice.




Wine can be made out of [from] rice.


be made from释义:



An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original.


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