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come down with中文翻译,come down with是什么意思,come down with发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

come down with中文翻译,come down with是什么意思,come down with发音、用法及例句

come down with

come down with发音

英:  美:

come down with中文意思翻译



come down with双语使用场景

1、Mother was going to come down with my brothers to see me off.───妈妈和我的兄弟准备一起下来为我送行.

2、I think I've come down with the flu.───我想我是染上了流感.

3、Every time my doctor cures one ailment, I seem to come down with another!───每次我的医生治好一种病后, 我似乎又得了另一种病!

4、He must have come down with a bad cold, for he has got a sore throat.───他一定是感冒了, 因为他的嗓子是哑的.

5、That price would come down with mass production.───此价格只能在大量生产的时候会有所降低.

6、He had come down with the flu.───他得了流感病倒了。

7、The girl has come down with pneumonia.───女孩已患肺炎.

8、Mary has come down with a heavy cold.───玛丽得了重感冒.

9、The day before the flood, her littlest grandchild had come down with malaria.───洪水前的一天, 她最小的孙子得了疟疾病倒了.

10、How much did he come down with?───他出了多少钱?

11、What if I come down with some strange tropical disease?───倘若我染上罕见的热带疾病怎么办?

12、I feel dizzy and suffocated. I think I have come down with heatstroke.───我感到头晕,喘不上气来.我想是中暑了.

13、Did anyone else in your family come down with it?───你家有其他的人因为流行性感冒而病倒 吗 ?

14、They all come down with influenza.───他们都得了感冒.

15、He had to come down with 10 pounds to her favorite charity.───他不得不为她热爱的慈善事业捐款10英镑.

16、Have you ever come down with beriberi?───你有没有脚气病?

17、We come down with illnesses more easily when under stress.───在有压力的情况下,我们更容易生病.

18、I am afraid I am come down with a cold.───我恐怕是着了凉了.

19、The girl has come down with influenza.───这女孩得了流行性感冒.

20、We need not worry about it. The sponsor will come down with the payment.───我们不用着急, 主办单位会付款的.

21、It'seems the whole office has come down with the flu.───好像全体职员都染上了流感.

22、It seems like whenever I get into a really good running groove, I come down with a cold that forces me to slow down my training.───似乎每当我进入一个非常好的跑步状态时,我就会因为感冒而不得不放慢速度。

23、How much did she come down with?───她出了多少钱?

24、The boy has come down with influenza.───男孩得了流行性感冒.

25、Brigida, did the uncle really come down with the child?───吉特,真的是奥西姆大叔带着孩子来的吗?

come down with相似词语短语

1、come out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

2、came down with───付钱;染上病

3、gone down with───被接受;染上疾病

4、goes down with───被接受;染上疾病

5、comes down with───付钱;染上病

6、coming down with───付钱;染上病

7、come down to───归根结底,可归结为;实质上是

8、to come down with───落下

9、go down with───被接受;染上疾病


come down to 词典结果:come down to[英][kʌm daun tu:][美][kʌm daʊn tu] 屈尊做某事; 归结起来(为…)

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