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blend in(blending in中文翻译,blending in是什么意思,blending in发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

blend in(blending in中文翻译,blending in是什么意思,blending in发音、用法及例句)

blending in

blending in发音

英:  美:

blending in中文意思翻译



blending in双语使用场景

1、Blending in makes you less of a target than if you announce your home country by wearing your country's flag or national colors.───融合于大众比你穿着国家过期或国家颜色的衣服宣传自己的国家成为目标机会更小。

2、You at least have the luxury of blending in on whatever dance floor or social situation you put yourself in.───至少你拥有优势,可以融入到身处的舞池或是其他社会场合中。

3、I considered myself a chameleon, blending in with my surrounding and remaining the shy sixth-grader I had always been.───我觉得自己就像一条变色龙,与周围的环境融为一体,保持着自己作为一个六年级学生一贯的腼腆形象。

4、We aimed at an architecture that gently floats up to the surface, while blending in with the environment.───我们旨在架构,轻轻地浮到表面,而融入环境。

5、between maintaining your individuality and blending in.───在维护自己的个性和融入同学之间保持分寸

6、The bear moves like a silhouette across the landscape, its black fur blending in with the dark rocks and dusky woods.───黑熊的身影穿过这片区域,黑色的皮毛与黑色的岩石和昏暗的树林交融在一起。

7、In practice large groups of foreign students from a single country tend to stick together rather than blending in.───实际上,大批来自同一国家的外国学生趋向于同国籍的扎堆在一起,而不是和不同国籍的学生融合在一起。

8、Blending in to a work environment isn't the only benefit.───融入工作环境并非唯一的好处。

9、That, at least, is the theory. In practice large groups of foreign students from a single country tend to stick together rather than blending in.───理论上是这样,但实际上,大批来自同一国家的外国学生趋向于扎堆在一起而不是融合在不同国家的学生中。

blending in相似词语短语

1、blending into───融入

2、bidding in───故意出最高价使某物落到自己手里

3、blends in───混合,加入;调和

4、blocking in───草拟,画草图

5、bedding in───刮研;研配

6、blend in───混合,加入;调和

7、blended in───混合,加入;调和

8、sending in───递送;呈报;命…进来



组词造句:混乱(31) 面对混乱的价值观,我们应该拨乱反正,而非同流合污。

(32) 清朝末年,皇帝昏庸无能,一大批坏人纷纷粉墨登场,整个国家一片混乱。

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