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最后一个英语(at the last中文翻译,at the last是什么意思,at the last发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

最后一个英语(at the last中文翻译,at the last是什么意思,at the last发音、用法及例句)

1、at the last

at the last发音

英:  美:

at the last中文意思翻译



at the last双语使用场景

1、Revolutions should be like book readings at San Wei Bookstore: once a week, with the location chosen at the last minute.───革命要跟三味书屋讲座一样,每周来一次,地点临时通知。

2、At the last official census a decade ago, there were just a few hundred left in the region.───10年前进行的上一份官方调查显示,该地区仅剩几百只大熊猫。

3、I made up my mind about President Putin a few months ago, but it was only at the last minute that he sat down for an interview.───早在几个月前我就选定了普京,但是直到最后一分钟他才坐下接受了采访。

4、Then at the last my love may show So very clearly he shall have no doubt.───这样,到最后,我能清楚明白地表达出我的爱,

5、Nurse: What did the doctor tell you at the last examination? Anything other than normal, like a Caesarian section?───最后一次检查时医生对你说些什么了?有没有别的,像是剖腹产?

6、In fact, I spent just a day with it as Barnes &Noble moved up the date press could write about the device at the last moment.───事实上,我仅仅花了一天试用新款Nook,因为巴诺在最后一刻提前了计划,压缩了媒体发表相关测评文章的时间。

7、Dave took a quick peep at the last page.───戴夫迅速地瞟了一下最后一页。

8、Their share of the vote sagged badly at the last election.───在上次选举中他们的得票数大幅下跌。

9、The horse fell at the last jump.───那匹马在跨越最后一个障碍物时跌倒了。

at the last相似词语短语

1、at (the) least───至少

2、the last───最后的,最后一个

3、to the last───直到最后,至终

4、at long last───最后

5、at the most───至多,不超过

6、at the last gasp───最后,最后关头;奄奄一息时

7、at the latest───最迟;至迟

8、at the least───无论如何(等于attheveryleast)

9、in the least───一点;丝毫

2、at last和in the end有什么区别吗?

at last与in the end的意思都是“最后”,但用法不同。

明确at last强调的是经过漫长的等待或困难之后的终于,而in the end强调的是结束时的结果。

at last通常用于描写一个长时间的过程走到了终点,比如“我们终于到了目的地”,而in the end通常用于总结一个过程中发生了什么事情,比如“最终,他选择了放弃”。

除了at last和in the end,还有其他与“最终”相似的表达,如finally、eventually等。


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