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is equal to(equal to中文翻译,equal to是什么意思,equal to发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

is equal to(equal to中文翻译,equal to是什么意思,equal to发音、用法及例句)

equal to

equal to发音

英:  美:

equal to中文意思翻译


等于,胜任; 当


equal to双语使用场景

1、The supply is equal to the demand.───供求均等.

2、He was equal to the occasion.───他能应付这个局势.

3、Twenty-five added to fifteen is equal to forty.───15和25相加等于40。

4、She did not feel equal to receiving visitors.───她的身体不适,不能接见客人.

5、The Ukraine is roughly equal to France in size and population.───乌克兰的面积和人口与法国大致相当。

6、One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer.───一单位酒精等于半品脱啤酒。

7、Any number to the power of nought is equal to one.───任何数的0次方等于1。

8、Henceforth all branches of the naval officer corps were equal to one another.───从此以后海军军官团的各个分支都相互平等。

9、Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.───投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。

10、A hectare is equal to 15 mu.───1公顷合15市亩.

11、Mr. Smith is a most suitable candidate for such negotiator since his tact and quickness of mind are equal to the occasion.───这样的谈判史密斯先生是最合适的人选,他机智敏捷,随机应变.

12、She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.───她下定决心要成功应对公司对他们的任何考验。

13、One centimetre is equal to 10 millimetres.───一厘米等于10毫米.

14、The guards were equal to anything.───那些卫兵能够应对任何事情。

15、Twelve inches is equal to one foot.───12英寸等于1英尺.

16、He doesn't seem equal to meeting our demands.───他似乎不太合乎我们的要求.

17、One li is equal to half a kilometer.───一华里等于半公里.

equal to相似词语短语



3、equal pay───(男女)同工同酬

4、equal time───(美)相等的答辩时间;均等机会




8、equal times───(美)相等的答辩时间;均等机会


equal to加动词什么形式?

equal to 加动词的ing形式,因为在equal to中,to是介词,be/feel equal to doing…意思是“胜任做…”,例如:

I don't feel equal to doing the job.我恐怕不能胜任这份工作(摘自《网易有道词典》)(本句中,feel equal to 后面加了动词的ing形式doing,表示“胜任做…”之意)

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