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keep warm中文翻译,keep warm是什么意思,keep warm发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

keep warm中文翻译,keep warm是什么意思,keep warm发音、用法及例句

keep warm

keep warm发音

英:  美:

keep warm中文意思翻译




keep warm双语使用场景

1、The sheep bunched up in the shed to keep warm.───羊为了取暖在羊舍里挤在一起.

2、He walked about in order to keep warm.───他来回走动使身体暖和.

3、People had to burn these trees to keep warm during harsh winters.───在寒冷的冬天,人们得靠烧这些树保暖。

4、They got lost digging themselves into a haystack just to keep warm.───迷路的他们为了保持温暖,只好挤在干草堆旁.

5、The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.───男孩们在岩石下挤作一团,使身体暖和些.

6、To keep warm , the sheep bunched up in the shed.───羊在羊舍中挤在一起取暖.

7、I used to jump up and down to keep warm.───我过去常常上下跳动来保暖。

8、They do not have to wear heavy clothes to keep warm.───天气是温暖的,他们不需要穿厚重的衣服来保暖.

9、William hopped up and down to keep warm.───威廉蹦蹦跳跳以暖和身体.

10、Keep warm, drink plenty of hot water and get plenty of rest.───穿暖和些, 多喝热水,多休息.

11、The boys huddle together under the rock to keep warm.───男孩们缩成一团在石头底下取暖.

12、We huddled together to keep warm.───我们挤在一起来保暖。

13、He stuffed some newspapers down the legs of the trousers to keep warm.───他把一些报纸塞入裤腿里御寒.

14、The boy huddled together under the rock to keep warm.───男孩们在岩石下挤作一团,由此取暖.

15、Advantage: good adhesion and maintenance , keep warm , heat insolation, stable and endurable.───具有接着力、保持力强、减震性佳及固定 、 保温、隔热作用等优点.

16、In cold winter, birds puff out their feathers to keep warm.───冬天鸟儿鼓起羽毛保暖.

17、To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel.───他们在一只生锈的油桶里烧木柴来保暖。

keep warm相似词语短语

1、keep away───防范;不接近

2、keep back───留下;隐瞒;阻止

3、keep pace───并驾齐驱;齐步并进

4、sheep farm───牧羊场

5、keep at───坚持,坚持做下去;纠缠

6、keep from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

7、keep calm───保持冷静

8、keep watch───看守;值班;放哨;提防

9、keep dark───保守秘密;隐瞒



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