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attested by中文翻译,attested by是什么意思,attested by发音、用法及例句

04-03 投稿

attested by中文翻译,attested by是什么意思,attested by发音、用法及例句

attested by

attested by发音

英:  美:

attested by中文意思翻译



attested by双语使用场景

1、Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion.───她获得迅速提升而得到证明。

2、attested by history that the existence of traditional logic has its own reason and foundation.───历史证明,形式逻辑(传统逻辑)有其自身存在的理由、根据。

3、His outstanding abilities were attested by his rapid promotion.───他接触的才干已经有他快速提升而得到证明。

4、The man's ability was attested by his rapid promotion .───此人的能力由他升迁之快得到证实;

5、Copy of the articles of Association and attachments of the foreign investor partner entity duly attested by a Saudi Embassy.───公司章程的复印件以及沙特大使馆所证实的外商投资伙伴实体的附属设施。

6、As attested by the sharp falls in Japanese equity prices, the short-term impact is decidedly negative.───正如日本股市大跌所预示的,短期内日本经济必然受创。

7、It has been attested by all medical researchers that type I diabetes is caused due to breakdown in the immune system of the body.───已被所有医学研究者证实,1型糖尿病由机体免疫系统障碍引起。

8、Despite its immense popularity attested by countless collections, the quotation as a literary form has gone largely unstudied .───尽管有无数收藏品证明了语录极受欢迎,但做为一种文学形式来说,语录一直以来大多未被探究。

9、Muasher confirmed the agreed text with Ms Cleveland in ane-mail, a copy of which has been seen by the FT, and its authenticity has been attested to by two bank officials.───马沙尔在一封电子邮件中确认了与克利夫兰敲定的声明内容。英国《金融时报》获得了这封邮件的副本,其真实性也得到了两位世行官员的证实。

attested by相似词语短语

1、abided by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果

2、attested form───证明表格


4、attested herds───认证牛群


6、attested herd───认证牛群


8、attested forms───证明表格

9、attempted robbery───抢劫未遂

signature 与 mist区别?


signature 中文意思是 n. 签名,署名;签字,签署;鲜明特色,明显特征;(印刷)折标;书贴;标记,用法签(处方上说明药的用法的部分);(音乐的)拍号;(音乐的)调号

The signature was attested by two witnesses.这个签名有两名见证人。

mist中文意思是n. 薄雾,水汽;雾状物;使视线模糊的东西;迷雾,难以透彻了解的事物

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