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read between the lines中文翻译,read between the lines是什么意思,read between the lines发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

read between the lines中文翻译,read between the lines是什么意思,read between the lines发音、用法及例句

read between the lines

read between the lines发音

英:  美:

read between the lines中文意思翻译




read between the lines双语使用场景

1、Let's read between the lines and not jump to conclusions.───让我们好好想想他究竟用意何在,不要草率下结论.

2、The article has many layers of meaning . You need to read between the lines.───文中有多层含意, 你得慢慢领会.

3、As you look at this poem, be sure to read between the lines.───读这首诗的时候, 要从字里行间去体会它的含义.

4、If you read between the lines, you can detect his contrived explanation.───在字里行间, 你可以看出他牵强的解释.

5、While appreciating poetry, you must learn to read between the lines.───欣赏诗歌时, 你得学着揣摩字里行间的意思.

6、Much like the long statements that the US and Soviet Union produced during their rare bouts of detente, however, a great deal of continuing disharmony could be read between the lines.───不过,就像美国与苏联在罕见的双方缓和时期出炉的长篇声明一样,从中美联合声明的字里行间,可以看出双方继续存在的不和。

7、As you look at this poem, be sure read between the lines.───读这首诗的时候, 要从字里行间往体会它的含义.

8、Experienced newsmen can read between the lines.───经验丰富的记者可以看出言外之意.

9、recent report from HSBC isn't quite so alarming... unless you read between the lines.───如果你没看到这两行字的话,来自汇丰银行的最新报告并不那么惊人。

10、Tom: You have to read between the lines.───汤姆: 你必须得从字里行间去捉摸它的观点.

11、Lu Xun's works are very abstruse. You must read between the lines.───鲁迅的著作非常深奥难解, 你必须从字里行间去仔细体会.

12、We tried to read between the lines.───我们设法捉摸字里行间的意思.

13、Some kinds of poetry made you read between the lines.───有些诗要读者从字里行间里体会其意思.

14、Let the senior manager read between the lines; he or she probably knows already.───让高级经理自己体会言外之意;他或她可能已经知道了。

15、They could read between the lines that she was a little homesick.───从字里行间,他们可以看出她有点儿想家.

16、You must read between the lines in order to get his full meanig.───你读他的文章,必找出他的言外之意,才能懂得深透.

17、Read between the lines when signing contracts.───签署合同前要好好读透合同.

18、When reading the letter, he read between the lines.───看信时, 他读出了言外之意.

read between the lines相似词语短语

1、above the line───线上项目;一般标准以上

2、between times───偶尔,有时候

3、lay it on the line───付款,实话实说,冒风险

4、between whiles───不时的,时常

5、between two fires───遭两面夹攻;左右为难

6、War between the States───南北战争

7、fall between the cracks───被忽略,被遗漏,被遗忘;处理不当

8、to read between the lines───字里行间

9、read the headlines───阅读标题


意思是:“体会言外之意,领悟言外之意”  例句:  

1、Lu Xun's works are very abstruse. You must read between the lines.  鲁迅的著作非常深奥难解,你必须从字里行间去仔细体会。  

2、Read between the lines of job descriptions to figure out what employers are looking for.  仔细阅读工作要求弄明白雇主到底想要招聘什么样的人

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