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communist manifesto中文翻译,communist manifesto是什么意思,communist manifesto发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

communist manifesto中文翻译,communist manifesto是什么意思,communist manifesto发音、用法及例句

communist manifesto

communist manifesto发音

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communist manifesto中文意思翻译



communist manifesto双语使用场景

1、Furthermore, this "immense majority" is organized in the first place, not by people preaching socialism, but by the capitalists! As Marx and Engels wrote in the Communist manifesto.───此外,这个“绝大多数人”一开始就被组织了起来,不是被宣讲社会主义的人们组织起来,而是被资本家们组织起来!

2、Marx, who admired Malthus, was equally astonished by the emergence of the middle class. As he wrote in the “Communist Manifesto”───马克思钦佩马尔萨斯,同样为中产阶级的兴起所震惊。

3、It is hardly "The Communist Manifesto" , but it has sent ripples through the industry.───这份准则虽然谈不上“**宣言”,倒也在业内激起不小的涟漪。

4、But the Communist manifesto was in fact rushed out to try to rally the forces of the proletariat in the "year of revolutions" , 1848.───但是实际上,**宣言在“变革之年”1848年横空出世,匆匆赶到安抚了工人阶级武装暴力的情绪。

5、Marx, who admired Malthus, was equally astonished by the emergence of the middle class. As he wrote in the "Communist Manifesto"───马克思十分赞赏马尔萨斯,他同样震惊于中产阶级的兴起。

6、It was The Communist Manifesto which predicted that capitalism would become global, and that its inequalities would severely sharpen.───是《**宣言》预言了资本主义将会全球化,而不平等会严重的尖锐化。

7、It is a broad and profound problem for studying communist Manifesto from beginning to end. We should strive without cease.───但有关这个课题的研究始终是一个博大精深的问题,需要我们继续努力。

8、Chapter II of The Communist Manifesto lists ten measures for revolutionizing the mode of production.───《**宣言》的第二章为生产方式的革命列出了十条措施。

communist manifesto相似词语短语

1、Communist Manifesto───**宣言(现代共产主义学说发展史上的第一部经典,由马克思和恩格斯合著)

2、Communist Party───**


4、communion wines───圣餐酒

5、communion tables───祭坛


7、communion rails───共轨

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