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casestudy(case study中文翻译,case study是什么意思,case study发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

casestudy(case study中文翻译,case study是什么意思,case study发音、用法及例句)

case study

case study发音

英:  美:

case study中文意思翻译

n.个案研究; 专题; 研究实例; 范例分析


case study双语使用场景

1、Case study results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed shortwind speed forecasting method.───算例分析结果验证了该方法的可行性和有效性.

2、What do case study classes look like?───案例研究的课堂是什么样的?

3、Case study of Chaohu Economic and Technical Development Zone has been carried out in this thesis.───文中以巢湖经济技术开发区的为实例对指标体系在区域环境影响评价中进行了实例研究.

4、In our case study, the inspector is equivalent to a feudal lord.───在我们的案例中, 监察员犹如封建社会的地主.

5、This subject adopts the qualitative research approach, including case study and action research.───本课题采用质的研究方法进行研究, 其形式主要有个案研究法和行动研究法.

6、For the case study, it has used Dai Garden in Xishuangbanna as the case.───在实证研究上, 本文选取西双版纳傣族园景区进行了案例研究.

7、The case study indicates that the calculated result by this method is reliable and practicable.───实际运用表明,该方法的计算结果是可靠的,具有很强的实用性.

8、Case study, as a research method, has been widely used in many fields of social science.───个案研究法作为一种研究方法在社会科学的许多领域里使用非常普遍.

9、First paper researches the life of the class based on a case study of the peddlers.───第一,以小贩为中心考察周边农村移民在汉的底层生活样态.

10、A case study was provided to illustrate the application of the proposed method.───最后,通过实例说明了所提方法的应用.

11、Case study: Eastman Chemical Company and The brewery.───案例研究: 美国伊士曼化学公司及啤酒厂.

12、Case study verified that this method can simplify the collision model, hence accelerates the detection process.───仿真实例表明:该方法简化了碰撞模型, 提高了碰撞检测效率.

13、On the surface, this kind of case study makes the whole study lack integrity and system.───从表面上看, 这种专题性的个案研究显得零散孤立缺乏体系.

14、Case Study: The End of Suburbia?───20案例学习: 郊区的终结?

15、This part provides the necessary information and material for case study.───为案例分析提供了必要的资料和素材.

16、The second case study illustrates the importance of incentive contiguity in effective project governance.───第二个案例说明了激励的连续性对于有效的项目治理的重要性.

17、In this paper, comparison analysis, case study, jurisprudential and law and economic analysis methods are used.───文章主要运用比较分析法 、 案例分析法以及法理学分析和法经济学分析的方法进行研究.

18、For this article, we've chosen a fictional automobile windshield wiper company as a case study.───在本文中,我们选择一个虚构的汽车风挡刮水器公司进行案例分析。

19、My wife is a perfect case study.───我太太就是一个经典案例。

20、The Process of Local Legislation in Western Country : A Case Study in Ohio of USA.───现代日本教育法和大学教育立法的特点.

21、The case study consists of three sections: the theoretical framework, the bodypaper and the conclusions.───案例分析部分分为三个部分,分别是分析框架 、 分析正文和分析结论.

22、Format of the conference include: briefing, presentation, computer simulation , case study, forum , and panel discussion.───◎会议采取多种交流模式: 简报, 讲解, 电脑模拟演练, 个案研究, 及与谈讨论.

23、The theoretical framework gives a brief description of the methodology and thinking of the case study.───分析框架部分对本案例分析所运用的分析方法和分析思路进行了简要的描述.

24、The target of the case study is an elementary music teacher in Nantou County, Taiwan.───本研究为个案研究,立意取样一位南投县国小音乐教师为研究样本教师, 为期一学期.

25、Hosting a column of MBA Case Study . Reporting campus activities and social news about MBA students.───MBA案例栏目的采编, 校园动态及MBA实事新闻的采编.

26、Abstract 2 of 12 Sustainability and infrastructure planning in South Africa: a Cape Town case study.───南非的基础设施规划和可持续发展: 海角市的案例研究.

27、The paper gives analyses and studies analytical and case study methods.───论文采用分析和案例研究相结合的方法.

28、Strong specialty and practical experience, good presentation skill, easy to understand with combination with case study.───专业水平很强,实战经验强, 讲解比较好; 能结合实例讲解通俗易懂.

29、A case study is given and the model is compared with other models.───给出模型实例,并将其与其他模型进行比较.

30、Library Case Study of Administrative Law: Can Modem User Be More Frivolous?───图书馆行政法个案: 魔电族真能魔高一丈 吗 ?

31、In fact, the GMAT can could offer a good case study for a business class.───事实上, GMAT可以为商务学习提供很好的例子.

case study相似词语短语

1、time study───时间研究;工时定额研究

2、home study───n.家庭作业;审查文件

3、case studies───[法]案例研究;个案研究

4、nature study───n.粗浅的自然研究;自然课

5、nose studs───鼻钉

6、nose stud───鼻钉

7、case history───n.病历;个案史

8、area study───区域研究

9、desk study───粗陋估量;不切实际的研究;初步探索


study名词词义为:学习,研究;课题;书房;学问。短语:case study 个案研究,案例研究;

course of study 学科;学习的进程。

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