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muscle mass中文翻译,muscle mass是什么意思,muscle mass发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

muscle mass中文翻译,muscle mass是什么意思,muscle mass发音、用法及例句

muscle mass

muscle mass发音

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muscle mass中文意思翻译



muscle mass双语使用场景

1、Preserves or even promotes muscle - mass gains.───保护,甚至提高肌肉质量的增长.

2、It's hard to imagine sticking Grandma in a centrifuge to protect her muscle mass.───很难想象把老奶奶绑在离心机上保持肌肉会是什么情形.

3、In patients with severe asthma, the characteristic feature is an increase in bronchial smooth muscle mass.───在严重的哮喘病人体内, 显著的特点就是气管平滑肌物质增多.

4、Consuming extra protein is necessary to build muscle mass.───要有大块的肌肉就必须摄入额外的蛋白.

5、You'll also increase your muscle mass and improve your resting metabolism, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.───你还可以提升你的肌肉质量和提高你的静止期代谢,这让你在一天内消耗更多的卡路里。

6、Yes, soy protein increased muscle mass just as well as whey protein did.───没错, 大豆蛋白在增加肌肉体积方面和乳清蛋白完全一样.

7、It appears they're better able to maintain their muscle mass.───这些饮料看起来能更好维护他们的肌群质量.

8、Maintain muscle mass.───保持肌肉质量。

9、Muscle mass can be achieved just as successfully using small weights, a new study shows.───最新研究发现,想要练就肌肉块,正确使用轻型负荷即可.

10、Changes in muscle mass and strength after menopause.───绝经(更年期)之后肌肉的分量和力量会改变.

11、For example, genes for insulin - like growth factor could enhance muscle mass.───例如, 胰岛素样生长因子基因可增强肌群.

12、At the onset of the experiments the research team thought the increase in muscle mass of the transplanted mice with injured legs would dissipate within a few months.───在实验初期,该研究团队认为,腿部受伤的老鼠接受移植后,其肌肉质量的增长会在几个月内消散。

13、Transient immobilization and stravation add to this impost on the skeletal muscle mass.───暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗.

muscle mass相似词语短语


2、muscle tissue───肌肉组织;[组织]肌组织


4、muscle maries───肌萎缩症

5、muscle sense───肌觉

6、muscle car───大功率高速中型汽车

7、muscle mary───肌肉玛丽

8、muscle tissues───肌肉组织;[组织]肌组织

9、muscle senses───肌觉



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