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burst with中文翻译,burst with是什么意思,burst with发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

burst with中文翻译,burst with是什么意思,burst with发音、用法及例句

burst with

burst with发音

英:  美:

burst with中文意思翻译



burst with双语使用场景

1、I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.───我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放.

2、His heart almost burst with sorrow. So he fastened three iron bands around his heart.───他的心因悲伤而几乎迸裂, 所以他用三条铁片捆住他的心.

3、The tyre burst with a loud report.───轮胎砰的一声巨响爆裂了.

4、I am so full that I would burst with another bite.───我吃得如此之饱,我感觉我再吃一口肚子就要胀破了.

5、The policemen almost burst with laughing at him.───警察们几乎忍不住想哈哈大笑.

6、He felt he would burst with anger and shame.───他恼羞成怒,都要气炸了。

7、His eyes burst with blue as he admired his handiwork.───在他欣赏自己的杰作时,眼神有时会显出忧郁.

8、Night's darkness is a bag that burst with the gold of the dawn.───夜的黑暗是一只口袋,迸发出黎明的金色光芒.

9、been a trick to lure the tiger from the mountain! Zhu Laogong's lungs nearly burst with rage.───是调虎离山计, 一时气炸了肺。

10、Thunder burst with a terrific crash over my head, and echoed through the mountains.───雷电在我头上爆响了恐怖的炸裂声, 并在山峦之间回响.我被闪电的强光晃花了眼.

11、He thought his heart would burst with grief.───他觉得自己悲痛欲绝。

12、I thought I should burst with amazement!───我当时惊愕不已!

13、So this had been a trick to lure the tiger from the mountain! Zhu Laogong's lungs nearly burst with rage.───朱老巩明白过来,是调虎离山计, 一时气炸了肺.

14、He almost burst with pride when his son John began to excel at football.───当儿子约翰在足球方面表现优秀时,他心中充满了自豪。

15、That day my heart burst with fire.───那一天心中燃起火焰.

16、balloons are burst with a long pin and the flash is triggered by the sound of the balloon popping.───水球爆炸时伴随着一个长长地旋转,闪光灯就在水球爆炸声响的一瞬间触发。

17、She burst with energy.───她精力充沛.

18、He brushed away with the back of his burst with blue as he admired his handiwork.───他用手背把头发捋到一旁,欣赏着自己的手绘,满眼散发着蓝色的光芒.

burst with相似词语短语

1、bursts into───闯入;情绪的突然发作

2、burst out───闯出来;突发;摆脱;大声喊叫

3、bears with───忍受;宽容

4、beared with───长着胡子的

5、runs with───鼓励;与…一起跑;与…交往

6、part with───与…分开;舍弃

7、be cursed with───深受…之害;因…而遭殃

8、burst into───闯入;情绪的突然发作

9、be in with───得到(某人)欢心;与(某人)是一伙,与(某人)狼狈为奸;和…接近,和…亲近;和…很熟


Im cheerful,i weigh almost nothing!

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