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ring the bell中文翻译,ring the bell是什么意思,ring the bell发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

ring the bell中文翻译,ring the bell是什么意思,ring the bell发音、用法及例句

1、ring the bell

ring the bell发音

英:  美:

ring the bell中文意思翻译



v.鸣钟,成功; 大功告成

ring the bell双语使用场景

1、Ring the bell," said Colin.───铃。”科林说。

2、You get Charlotte. I'll ring the bell.───你去叫夏洛特, 我去拽铃.

3、Ring the bell, Kitty, for Hill.───吉蒂, 去拉铃叫希尔来.

4、A good hot bowl of soup would ring the bell about now.───一碗可口的热汤现在绝对大受欢迎.

5、Should this machine fail, ring the bell and wait.───如果这台机器运转不灵, 请按铃并等候.

6、He did not ring the bell.───他没敲钟.

7、Why do they ring the bell 33 times on New Year's eve?───为什么他们在出除夕夜敲钟33次?

8、Ring the bell in an emergency.───有紧急情况时请按铃.

9、I scarcely had time to ring the bell before the door opened.───我刚一按门铃,门就开了。

10、The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency.───要求病人在有紧急情况时按铃.

11、Ring the bell on the table if anything is needed.───如果需要什么的话,请按床头柜上的铃.

12、In case of fire ring the bell.───万一起火,请按铃.

13、Please ring the bell if you want anything.───你要是需要什么,请按铃.

14、I must ring the bell; I want off at the next stop.───我必须拉铃, 我要在下一站下车.

15、Ring the bell to see if they're in.───门铃,看他们在不在家。

16、Would you be at the trouble to ring the bell for me?───请您费神帮我按一下门铃,好 吗 ?

17、The door was opened before she could ring the bell.───她还没来得及按门铃,门就开了。

18、" Didn't you ring the bell? "───“ 你没按过铃 吗 ? ”

ring the bell相似词语短语

1、swing the lead───挥杆领先

2、jingle bells───装在雪橇上的铃铛;门铃;信号铃

3、round the bend───有精神病的;疯狂的

4、making the bed───铺床,整理床铺

5、bring the check───把支票拿来

6、jingle bell───门铃

7、growing the beard───长胡子

8、bring the bill───把账单拿来

9、ring a bell───使某人想起某事,使人回忆起


“bell”是一个英语单词,它的意思是“铃铛”,通常用于发出响声的装置,例如教堂钟楼上的大钟、门铃、电话铃等。此外,“bell”也可以用作姓氏,比如著名的物理学家亚历克斯·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)。



The school bell rang, signaling the end of class.(学校的铃铛响了,宣告下课。)

Santa Claus's sleigh is often depicted as having bells attached to it.(圣诞老人的雪橇上通常会挂着铃铛。)


Can you ring the bell for me when the pizza is here?(披萨送到时能不能帮我按下门铃?)

She walked up to the door and rang the bell.(她走到门前按下门铃。)


She wore a bell-shaped dress to the party.(她穿了一件钟形裙子去参加派对。)


Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone.(亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔被认为是电话的发明者。)

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