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lean manufacturing中文翻译,lean manufacturing是什么意思,lean manufacturing发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

lean manufacturing中文翻译,lean manufacturing是什么意思,lean manufacturing发音、用法及例句

1、lean manufacturing

lean manufacturing发音

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lean manufacturing中文意思翻译




lean manufacturing双语使用场景

1、Experience with Six Sigma, Lean manufacturing systems and process flows would be highly desirable.───具备六西格码质量管理 、 精益生产和工艺流程设计经验者优先.

2、Reliable running of equipments is the foundation of achieving maximum profit and implementing lean manufacturing.───可靠的设备是实现公司利润最大化和推行精益生产的基础.

3、C . Provide leadership and coordination for lean manufacturing projects. Set expectations, provide continuity standards.───领导和协调精益生产制造项目, 设定目标, 设置持续高标准.

4、Fully support plant lean manufacturing projects implement and continuous improvement.───全力配合工厂精益化生产项目的执行使之持续改进.

5、The Japanese had invented a new system of making things that was quickly dubbed “lean manufacturing”.───日本人发明了一套新的生产体系,很快它被称为“精益生产”。

6、TPS, or its variant - Lean Manufacturing, will be the ideal solution.───丰田生产系统, 或其变种 -- 精益生产, 将是解决这一挑战的最佳方案.

7、More than 16 % are applying lean manufacturing principles to reduce waste and improve productivity.───超过16%的企业正采用精益制造原则,以减少浪费并提高生产率.

8、It has spread to the manufacturing industry all over the world as a tool of Lean manufacturing.───作为精益生产的工具,它现在已经应用于世界各地的制造企业之中。

9、Be master of lean manufacturing.───具备精益生产实践技能.

10、Assist Production Manager to improve the production efficiency and implement lean manufacturing at anilox roll plant.───协助生产经理提高印刷网纹辊工厂的生产效率并实施精益生产管理.

11、Familiar with Lean manufacturing, such as pull system, one piece flow, U cell, kanban , VSM, etc.───精通精艺生产, 如拉动生产, 一件流, U型线,看板, 价值流图等.

12、Lean manufacturing is a mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing, mold design, mold manufacturing - based professional team.───精益制造是一以机械设计 、 机械制造 、 模具设计 、 模具制造为主的专业性团队.

13、Experience in automation workstations and work cell development, quality systems and lean manufacturing methods implementation.───精通自动化工作站和工作单元的改进, 质量体系和精益生产方法执行.

14、Reduction of capital expenditures due to optimization of present equipment through Lean Manufacturing techniques.───通过精益制造技术最优化目前设备来减少资本支出.

15、Implement 5 S and lean manufacturing in the whole workshop.───在整个工厂内推行5S和精益生产.

16、Know Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma is preferred.───懂精益生产和六西格玛将优先考虑.

17、In lean manufacturing, the definition of inventory is pretty clear.───在精益制造中,对库存的定义非常清晰。

lean manufacturing相似词语短语



3、steel manufacturers───钢铁制造商









MDC™ (Manufacturing Data Collection & Status Management)是一套用来实时采集、并报表化和图表化车间的详细制造数据和过程的软硬件解决方案。

盖勒普MDC™ 通过多种灵活的方法获取生产现场的实时数据(包括设备、人员和生产任务等),将其存储在Access , SQL 和 Oracle 等数据库,并以国内外先进的精益制造(Lean Manufacturing)管理理念为基础,结合系统自带的近100种专用计算、分析和统计方法,以25,000多种报告和图表直观反映当前或过去某段 时间的生产状况,帮助企业生产部门通过反馈信息做出科学和有效的决策。

为何需要使用 MDC系统?

MDC™ 可以帮助公司负责生产和设备管理部门的决策者回答很多现时制造方面的疑难问题,从而帮助改善和优化生产工艺过程。这些问题诸如:

◆ 现时生产中正在进行的是哪些工作或生产哪些部件?

◆ 有多少零部件在生产过程中已经报废?

◆ 谁在进行零部件的生产?哪一班?

◆ 零部件的生产时间如何?

◆ 零部件当前正在哪一台机器上制造?设备是在加工中、故障还是空闲着?

◆ 生产停止的原因是什么?

◆ 产量是由于哪些原因下降?

◆ 停工时间的成本怎样?

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