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what is it翻译(what s it中文翻译,what s it是什么意思,what s it发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

what is it翻译(what s it中文翻译,what s it是什么意思,what s it发音、用法及例句)

what s it

what s it发音

英:  美:

what s it中文意思翻译



what s it双语使用场景

1、Of what? What's it a waste of? Of your telephone wire?───什么很可惜?浪费了什么?你的电话线吗?

2、it called?───它叫什么?

3、You: Well, being a beautiful women, you must be able to get all the guys to do whatever you want. what's it like being with me?───你:好吧,作为漂亮女人,你肯定能让所有人做任何你想要的事。都让他们做过什么呢?

4、If you were to visit education, as an alien, and say "What's it for, public education? "───如果你以一个外国人的身份来参观我们的教育体系,带着这样的问题:“公办教育的目的是什么?”

5、"Blimey, " I said. "What's it like? " He said it was quite the best job he'd ever had.───“我的天啊,”我说。“感觉如何?”他表示,这是他有生以来最棒的一份工作。

6、What's it going to cost us, not just in terms of money, but in terms of lives?───它将让我们付出什么代价,不仅在钱的方面,而且还在生命方面?

7、Now I know what's it's like to be at the bottom of a well. I only hope no one starts pitching stones down at me.───现在我知道这是什么了。这是在一个井底。我只希望没有人从上面扔石头下来。

8、Hmm. It is good. A little bit like an apple. What's it called? What's the name?───恩,很不错。有点象苹果。这是什么,叫什么名字?

9、it telling you?───它在对你说什么?

what s it相似词语短语

1、watch it───小心;留神;当心

2、that's it───就是这样

3、what if───假使…将会怎么样


5、what with───因为

6、eat shit───吃屎

7、cat suit───紧身运动衣;连衣裤

8、that is it───就这样

9、wags it───将~a移到黑桃八号上。

what is It缩写?

答:what is It缩写为what's it。

⑴因为它是一个特殊疑问句,it 作主语,一般不缩写!像What's that ,就可以缩写,表达习惯而已。

⑵what is It?的意思是:这是什么?


pron. (用以询问某人或某事物的词) 什么,多少; …的事物;

adj. …的(事物或人);

adv. (用于感叹句中)。

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