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追求梦想英语(pursue a dream中文翻译,pursue a dream是什么意思,pursue a dream发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

追求梦想英语(pursue a dream中文翻译,pursue a dream是什么意思,pursue a dream发音、用法及例句)

1、pursue a dream

pursue a dream发音

英:  美:

pursue a dream中文意思翻译



pursue a dream双语使用场景

1、Film has given me waving his hands to pursue a dream of passion, maybe we have the fate of the result, but I chose to go it is beautiful.───**给了我挥动双手追求梦想的激情,也许我们都有命中注定的结果,但我选择华丽的走向它。

2、I I left my friends, family, and everything else back in Canada to pursue a dream all alone here in Asia.───离开了我的朋友,家人和一切回到加拿大追求梦想独自一人在亚洲这里。

3、Treat life in calm frame of mind but pursue a dream with full of passion.───以平静的心情对待人生,用饱满的热情追求梦想。

4、Out of my world", a 11 year old boy breaking the barriers to pursue a dream ballet road.───跳出我天地》,一个11岁小男孩破除重重阻碍追求梦想的芭蕾之路。

5、The fire mainly relates a person to pursue a dream-surmount the story of the fire .───火影主要讲述鸣人追逐梦想——超越火影的故事。

6、is no heart to pursue a dream because of injury, When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you achieve it.───没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤,当你真心渴望某样东西时,日月星辰都会赶来帮你。

7、She forsakes the nurturing love of her man to pursue a dream.───她为了追求梦想而放弃她喜欢的男人。

8、I was walking on this road one of the students to pursue a dream.───我就是在这道路上追梦的学子

pursue a dream相似词语短语

1、pursue a case───起诉

2、like a dream───毫不费力地;轻而易举地;完美地

3、fulfil a dream───实现梦想

4、chase a dream───追逐梦想

5、harbour a dream───怀抱梦想

6、pursue a strategy───追求策略

7、pursue a career───从事一种职业


Sure, here is an English introduction of myself:

Hello, my name is [your name], and I come from [your hometown]. I am a [your age] year old [your gender] who is passionate about [your interests and hobbies].

In terms of my personality, I am [形容自己的性格特点, 如outgoing, introverted, hardworking, etc.]. I believe in [your beliefs or core values].

My dream is to [describe your dream or career goal]. I am motivated to pursue this dream because [explain why you are motivated to pursue your dream].

To achieve my dream, I am currently [what you are doing to work towards your dream, e.g. studying, taking classes, etc.]. I am also actively seeking [opportunities related to your dream], and I am excited about the future.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about me. I look forward to any opportunity to demonstrate my passion and dedication towards my dream.

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