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ordinal numbers中文翻译,ordinal numbers是什么意思,ordinal numbers发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

ordinal numbers中文翻译,ordinal numbers是什么意思,ordinal numbers发音、用法及例句

ordinal numbers

ordinal numbers发音

英:  美:

ordinal numbers中文意思翻译



n.序数(如first,third等)( ordinal number的名词复数 )

ordinal numbers双语使用场景

1、Know the difference between ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.───对比基数词和序数词的不同.

2、Know how to distinguish and use ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.───掌握基数词和序数词的用法.

3、In this lesson, learners will read, write, and understand Ordinal Numbers and also understand questions and statements about the day and month of one's birthday.───在这堂课中,学员将学会读写并理解序数词,读写并理解关于生日月份和日期的问题和描述。

4、But what if arbitrarily divided regions of a rectangle are labeled with unique ordinal numbers?───但是,若将二维矩形平面任意分割成很多小的矩形区域,并以唯一的序号标记它们,情况会怎样 呢 ?

5、Remember to use ordinal numbers for dates in English.───记得在说日期时要使用序数词。

6、finite set, the ordinal and cardinal Numbers are equivalent, but they differ in the infinite case.───有限集,有序和基数是等价,但他们在不同情况下的无限。

ordinal numbers相似词语短语

1、irrational numbers───[数]无理数

2、cardinal numbers───[数]基数;基数词

3、cardinal number───基数

4、ordinal number───[数]序数;序列号

5、serial numbers───序列号;序号;系列号

6、order numbers───订单号;订单编号

7、real numbers───实型数据;[数]实数(realnumber的复数)

8、decimal numbers───十进数

9、rational numbers───[数]有理数


数列的英文 sequence

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