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what can you hear中文翻译,what can you hear是什么意思,what can you hear发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

what can you hear中文翻译,what can you hear是什么意思,what can you hear发音、用法及例句

what can you hear

what can you hear发音

英:  美:

what can you hear中文意思翻译



what can you hear双语使用场景

1、What can you hear?What can you see ?───你听到了什么,看到了什么?。

2、can you hear?───你能听到什么?

3、Listen! What can you hear?───听!你听到什么?

what can you hear相似词语短语

1、save as you earn───n.定额储蓄制

2、what do you want───你想要什么;你想怎么样

3、pay as you earn───预扣所得税;所得税预扣法

4、out of your head───从你的脑袋里跳出来

5、out on your ear───听你的

6、scratch your head───挠你的头

7、how do you mean───你指什么;你要怎样

8、what do you know───你知道什么

9、what can/do you expect───你能指望什么

what can you hear的正确回答?

what  can you hear的正确回答?正确回答是:I can  hear…意思是我能听…。

例如,I can  hear a bus。我能听到公交车(声音)。

I can hear a dog。我能听到狗叫声。

I  can  hear a  bird。我能听到鸟叫声。

I  can  hear the rain cross the window。我会通过窗户听到雨声。


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