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for that matter中文翻译,for that matter是什么意思,for that matter发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

for that matter中文翻译,for that matter是什么意思,for that matter发音、用法及例句

for that matter

for that matter发音

英:  美:

for that matter中文意思翻译


就此而言; 同样; 而且


for that matter双语使用场景

1、He wasn't there on Monday. Nor on Tuesday, for that matter.───他星期一没在那儿,星期二也一样,也不在。

2、We can't answer that, for that matter noto this case.───我们不能回答这个问题, 因为这个问题和当前你的这个案例无关.

3、Sadat quite simply did not like Hussein, or royalty for that matter.───萨达特压根儿不喜欢候赛因, 或者就此而言,不喜欢王权.

4、This isn't how running or life works for that matter.───这不是跑步或生活的目的.

5、I didn't like it much. Nor did the kids, for that matter.───我不怎么喜欢它。孩子们也同样不喜欢。

6、For that matter, the facial hairs he chops off were produced by other cells.───就此而言, 他剃掉的脸上的毫毛是由别的细胞生产出来的.

7、anywhere else, for that matter," he could not help adding.───别的地方可没有,就这一点而言。”他忍不住补充道。

8、I gave it to him hot for that matter.───为那事我把他臭骂了一顿.

9、For that matter I don't care either.───对于那件事情,我也不在乎.

10、Why, for that matter, do complex systems of any sort fail or die?───就此而言, 为什么任何形式的复杂系统都会走向失败或绝灭 呢 ?

11、For that matter , why does God allow any suffering at anytime?───并且讲到这个, 神又为何要容许任何受苦的存在?

12、He doesn't trust his partner. For that matter I can't blame him.───他不相信他的伙伴, 对此我不能责备他.

13、For that matter, you are no better qualified than Mary.───就此而言, 你并不比玛丽更够条件.

14、It's my apartment, and it's my wedding dress, for that matter.───这是我的家我的婚纱怎么不行?

15、So would anybody else , for that matter : but Syme more than most.───不用说,这一点人人都如此,然而赛姆来得最可能.

16、I don't know, and for that matter, I don't care.───我不知道, 对此我也不在乎.

17、Do not suck your thumb - or anybody else's, for that matter.───别吸你的大姆指, 当然,也别去吸别人的.

for that matter相似词语短语

1、important matter───要事;大事

2、for the better───好转,向好的方向发展

3、for the main───对于主要

4、what matter───什么事

5、faecal matter───人粪尿

6、fecal matter───粪便物

7、form master───学级主任


9、front matter───前页(指扉页、版权页、目次等)


都可以。例句: It doesn't matter that you can't come. 你不能来也没关系 It doesn't matter if/whether you will come. 你能不能来都没关系

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