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数码相机英文(digital cameras中文翻译,digital cameras是什么意思,digital cameras发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

数码相机英文(digital cameras中文翻译,digital cameras是什么意思,digital cameras发音、用法及例句)

1、digital cameras

digital cameras发音

英:  美:

digital cameras中文意思翻译



n.数码相机( digital camera的名词复数 )

digital cameras双语使用场景

1、The speed with which digital cameras can take, process, and transmit an image is phenomenal.───数码相机拍摄、处理、传输图像的速度惊人。

2、Thank you all for coming to this short presentation about our latest digital cameras.───谢谢各位光临本次关于我公司最新款数码相机的简短的陈述报告会.

3、It appears you not enough understanding of digital cameras, ah, friend.───看样子你对数码相机了解的不够多啊, 朋友.

4、Do you have high quality digital cameras?───你们有高品质的数码相机 吗 ?

5、Digital cameras to capture multiple images of each device's mark and lead formation.───数字照相机捕获每一器件标志和引线构成的多种图象.

6、Configures installed scanners and digital cameras.───配置已安装的扫描仪与数字相机.

7、Both light - sensitive materials and electronic digital cameras are photographic equipment.───感光材料、数字照相机都是照相器材.

8、Digital cameras shoot pictures through email away.───数码相机拍的图片能通过电子邮件传递出去.

9、Designed especially for professional - quality compact digital cameras and portable digital music devices.───专为专业级质量的数码相机和便携式数码音乐播放器产品设计.

10、Digital cameras and digital video cameras began to appear last year.───数码相机和数码摄像机是去年开始出现的.

11、Other new technology products are also doing well, such as digital cameras and wide screen digital televisions.───其它的新技术产品也发展良好,如数码照相机和宽屏数字电视机。

12、In a world of precision-engineered digital cameras, the colorfully analog Blackbird fly is a strange bird—one that took almost 15 years to hatch.───在这样一个高精密度数码相机的世界,像黑鸟飞这样的彩色模拟相机属特异的一种,因为它花费15年的时间投入飞行拍摄。

13、Can I have a look at the digital cameras?───我能看一下数码相机 吗 ?

14、Camcorder batteries, cheap digital cameras.───摄像机电池, 便宜的数码相机.

15、And I guess they will also check the digital cameras, right?───我想他们也会检查数码相机, 对吧?

16、Digital cameras store their images on removable memory cards.───数码相机将图像存储在可卸载的记忆卡里.

17、Find random personal pictures, using standard file names from digital cameras.───利用数码相机上的标准文件名,随机查找个人照片.

18、But film is relatively limited in its range are digital cameras.───但是胶卷被它自身的范围所限制,数码相机也一样.

digital cameras相似词语短语

1、digital meters───数字仪表

2、aerial cameras───[摄]航空用照相机;[摄]航空摄影机

3、digital literacy───数字素养;数位素养

4、digital computers───数字电脑

5、digital camera───数字摄像机;数字照相机

6、digital camerae───数码相机

7、aerial camera───[摄]航空用照相机;[摄]航空摄影机



I bought some medicine from the drug store.


We've stored sufficient food for this winter.


This store is full of inferior goods.


The store is open for late night shopping on Wednesdays.


The new store down the street has lots of specials on holiday items.


The furniture store is closed until further notice.


That store used to have a broad selection of digital cameras, but now they only sell camcorders.


This store has a broad selection of mobile phones.


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