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residual value中文翻译,residual value是什么意思,residual value发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

residual value中文翻译,residual value是什么意思,residual value发音、用法及例句

residual value

residual value发音

英:  美:

residual value中文意思翻译



residual value双语使用场景

1、However, if the asset has a significant residual value, depreciation should stop at this point.───然而, 如果该项资产有较大残值, 折旧至这一金额时就要停止.

2、Or the residual value of these factors is again what is it?───或者说这些剩余价值又是由什么因素造成的 呢 ?

3、No adjustment should be made where the unguaranteed residual value increases.───未担保余值增加的,不作调整.

4、The value of human capital is the residual value of production.───人力资本的使用价值是生产剩余价值。

5、net investment is the difference between the aggregate of the minimum lease receipts and the unguaranteed residual value.───净投资是最低租赁收入总额与未保证残值之间的差额。

6、In addition to calculating the residual value at the end of value of an effective investment.───除到计算期末的残值的有效投资值.

7、The residual value is the observed value at the center minus this average.───从圆心上的观测值减掉这个平均值,就得到剩余值.

8、In most cases, your labor has no long-term residual value, if you are working for money.───在很多情况下,你的劳动没有长期的剩余价值,如果你为了工作来赚钱。

residual value相似词语短语

1、resale values───转售价值

2、nominal value───[数]标称值;[金融]票面价值

3、residual heat───余热,[热]残热;剩余热

4、critical value───[数]临界值

5、residual income───剩余收益,剩余所得

6、capital value───[经]资本价值

7、resale value───转售价值

8、residual power───剩余动力;剩余功率

9、residual heats───余热,[热]残热;剩余热


剩磁即剩余磁化强度(remanence)的简称,符号Br。一个物质的顽磁是其剩磁所能达到的最大值。(The retentivity of a substance is the maximum value which the residual flux density can attain.

)永磁体经磁化至技术饱和,并去掉外磁场后所保留的表面场Br, 称为剩余磁感感应强度。简称剩磁,用Br表示,单位为mT(KG)毫特斯拉。KG为电磁单位制,读为千 高斯。换算关系1T=10000GS

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