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give birth to(gave birth to中文翻译,gave birth to是什么意思,gave birth to发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

give birth to(gave birth to中文翻译,gave birth to是什么意思,gave birth to发音、用法及例句)

gave birth to

gave birth to发音

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gave birth to中文意思翻译



gave birth to双语使用场景

1、There was once King's marriage, his first wife, gave birth to his seven children: six men and a woman, the king especially loves them.───国王曾经有过一次婚姻,他的第一个妻子给他生了七个孩子:六男一女,国王特别疼爱他们。

2、Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl.───玛丽生了个健康的女婴。

3、With $28, 000 in cash, the pioneering industrialists gave birth to what was to become one of the world's largest corporations.───从当时的2.8万现金诞生了工程行业的先驱并成为世界上最大的集团之一。

4、And Jabez was honoured more than his brothers; but his mother had given him the name Jabez, saying, Because I gave birth to him with sorrow.───雅比斯比他众弟兄更尊贵、他母亲给他起名叫雅比斯、意思说、我生他甚是痛苦。

5、She settled down and gave birth to a son, Some of her children remained in Egypt and ruled as kings for a longtime.───她在那里落户并生了个儿子。她的一些子孙就呆在了埃及,当了很长时间的国王。

6、For a time the relationship of Michael and Fleur appeared happier, and Fleur gave birth to a son, whom they named Christopher.───有一段时间,迈克尔和弗勒的关系似乎融洽一些。弗勒生了一个儿子,取名克里斯托弗。

7、After his father's death, his mother gave birth to a baby girl. That all happened a year ago.───他的父亲死后,他的母亲生下一个女孩。这都是一年的事情了。

8、And then she gave birth to quintuplets.───后来,她生下了五胞胎。

9、She gave birth to Annabel just after her seventeenth birthday.───她刚过完17岁生日就生下了安娜贝尔。

gave birth to相似词语短语

1、gave over to───留作;把…留作特定用途

2、give wing to───支持

3、give mouth to───把嘴给

4、gave up to───陷入;让给;向…投降

5、give rise to───使发生,引起

6、give birth───生孩子;产仔

7、give vent to───发泄;吐露

8、give birth to───产生,造成;生孩子

9、give it to───责备



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