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take the edge off中文翻译,take the edge off是什么意思,take the edge off发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

take the edge off中文翻译,take the edge off是什么意思,take the edge off发音、用法及例句

1、take the edge off

take the edge off发音

英:  美:

take the edge off中文意思翻译




take the edge off双语使用场景

1、It's quite a while before dinner, here this apple will take the edge off your hunger.───吃饭还得等会, 来把这个苹果拿去充充饥.

2、Such a frugal mind-set could take the edge off any recovery.───这样的节约心态将会减弱复苏进度。

3、Have a snack – it'll take the edge off.───吃点小菜,先垫垫肚子.

4、Anyway, being brought up as a Satanist tended to take the edge off it.───总之,被养育成撒旦的信徒没什么不好的。

5、I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite.───我需要一份三明治以解腹中之饥.

6、It may also take the edge off withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, headaches, and lethargy.───同时,锻炼还会减弱戒烟不良反应的程度,例如易怒, 头痛和瞌睡.

7、That'll take the edge off your hunger.───那可以让你充充饥.

8、Daytime sea breezes also help take the edge off but nights can be quite muggy.───虽然白天的徐徐海风也会起到降温的作用,但夜晚可能却是闷热难耐.

9、Their system of subsidies would take the edge off this uncertainty.───他们的津贴系统将会减少这种不确定性.

take the edge off相似词语短语

1、take the high road───堂堂正正地;走高端路线

2、take the wraps off───揭露

3、take the lid off───揭露;揭开盖子

4、have the edge on───略微胜过,比…稍强

5、take the edge off something───把东西的边缘去掉

6、have the edge over───略微胜过;比…稍强

7、take the gaff───受到严厉的训斥

8、take the place of───代替

9、take the pledge───发誓戒酒

2、edge off是什么意思?

take the edge off [英][teik ðə edʒ ɔf][美][tek ði ɛdʒ ɔf] 使减弱; 例句

1 That ought to take the edge off right there. 这应该能把烦恼一扫而光。

2 Aspirin will usually take the edge off the pain. 阿司匹林通常可以减轻疼痛。

3 Sometimes the energy release of a good laugh, or a good cry, can also take the edge off. 有时候,一声大笑、大哭来释放能量也可以缓解危急。

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