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bright stars中文翻译,bright stars是什么意思,bright stars发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

bright stars中文翻译,bright stars是什么意思,bright stars发音、用法及例句

bright stars

bright stars发音

英:  美:

bright stars中文意思翻译



bright stars双语使用场景

1、Many bright stars visible in Earth's night sky are depicted on leaves surrounding the marked location of the Sun.───许多在地球夜晚天穹中可以看到的亮星都在围绕着标识出的太阳位置附近的树叶上描绘了出来。

2、It is outlined by brighter stars shaping the heart loosely, and a few bright stars shaping the chain.───这个模糊的轮廓是亮星星形成的心形,有几颗亮星形成了项链的形状。

3、Scorpio more typically appears as a few bright stars in a well known but rarely pointed out zodiacal constellation.───天蝎座的一小群亮星在黄道十二宫中闻名遐迩,却极少被特意关注。

4、Although one of the largest constellations in area, it boasts no bright stars.───虽然它是面积最大的星座之一,但却并没有十分明亮的恒星。

5、These bright stars form a line and are usually easy to find in the night sky .───这些最亮的星星排成了一条线而且很容易在夜空当中找到它们。

6、The sky was curved, like the inside of a huge glass ball, very dark blue with the sprinkles of bright stars.───天空是弯曲的,好似一个巨大的玻璃球的内侧,几颗明亮的星星点缀着深蓝色的天空。

7、In a new picture, hundreds of young, bright stars heat up the gases of the Triangulum galaxy, creating a distinctive red glow.───在这个新的图片中,成千上万的年轻的,明亮的恒星照亮了三角座星系的星云,呈现出了一个与众不同的红色光芒。

8、The air there is no bright stars, it may have been a black air devoured, the trace of moonlight seems to distribute sadness of life.───空中没有耀眼的星星,也许已被黑色的空气吞噬了,那丝丝的月光似乎散发忧伤的气息。

9、By degrees the wind abated , vast gray clouds rolled towards the west , and the blue firmament appeared studded with bright stars .───又过了一会儿风渐渐平息了,大片灰色的云层向西方卷去,蓝色的苍穹显露了出来,上面点缀着明亮的星星。

bright stars相似词语短语

1、bright star───明亮的星;灿烂的星

2、a bright spark───明亮的火花

3、bright spark───精明的人,生气勃勃的人

4、right stage───右舞台

5、bright coals───[矿物]光亮煤

6、brittle stars───n.蛇尾类

7、right stages───正确的阶段

8、bright future───光明的未来,光明的前途

9、bright sparks───精明的人,生气勃勃的人



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