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ishit(it is a hit中文翻译,it is a hit是什么意思,it is a hit发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

ishit(it is a hit中文翻译,it is a hit是什么意思,it is a hit发音、用法及例句)

it is a hit

it is a hit发音

英:  美:

it is a hit中文意思翻译



it is a hit双语使用场景

1、It is thought that the train hit a boulder that had fallen down a cliff on to the track.───人们认为这列火车撞到了从悬崖滚到铁轨上的大圆石。

2、In our current winter of high domestic anxiety, as in the politically tumultuous American summer of 1969, it is a hit with the national mass audience and elite critics alike.───在现如今这个国内高度焦虑的冬季,就像那个1969年美国政治动荡的夏季,这是一个让全国广大观众和精英评论家都有着共鸣的影片。

3、is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop.───决定一部**是成功还是失败的是公众。

it is a hit相似词语短语

1、wait in a line───排队等候

2、white as a sheet───苍白如纸

3、out of a hat───任意地

4、make a hit───获得成功

5、it is as well to───也可以

6、take a hit───遭受打击;受到影响

7、not give a shit───毫不在意

8、infield hit───内野命中

9、white as a ghost───白得像鬼一样

it hit me that是什么意思?

t hit me that 它击中了我 拼音双语对照 双语例句 1 It hit me that I had a choice. 我突然意识到我有选择的馀地。

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