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think big中文翻译,think big是什么意思,think big发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

think big中文翻译,think big是什么意思,think big发音、用法及例句

1、think big

think big发音

英:  美:

think big中文意思翻译




think big双语使用场景

1、We need to think big.───我们应该考虑干一番大事。

2、Make sure content is relevant to where buyers are in the buying cycle. Think big, start small and move quickly.───确保内容与处在购买循环周期内的购买者息息相关,大胆假设,小心开始,行动迅速。

3、Encourage them to think big.───鼓励他们幻想.

4、Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they're always coming in for criticism.───广告商总是雄心勃勃(想得很大),也许这就是为什么他们老挨批评.

5、Think big; think thin.───想想什么是大; 想想什么是瘦.

6、Don't limit yourself. Think big . You can do anything you want if you try hard enough!───别自我设限. 要有雄心壮志──如果你够努力,你想做什麽,都能做到.

7、But I think big balls, such as football and basketball, are more exciting.───但我觉得大球, 比如足球和篮球, 更让人兴奋.

8、Think little goals and expect little e achievements. Think big and win big success!───目标定得小,成绩就小. 有大志才会有大成就!

9、I think big cities are dirty.───我觉得大的城市很脏.

10、You have to think anyway, so why not think big?───既然要思考,何不放大格局?

11、People think big business is completely conservative, but that's not true.───人们认为成功的商业就是完全保守的,这不是事实。

12、Companies tinker with today's products rather than pay researchers to think big thoughts.───很多公司宁愿对现有产品修修补补,也不愿聘请研究人员做大项目.

13、Does he really think big emotions come from big words?───你真的认为大情感来源于大词 吗 ?

14、After the new moon March 26, plot your for your birthday year ahead and think big!───26后的新月, 策划你的生日吧,然后!·#! 看不太懂.

15、Let's think big , ie plan ambitiously.───我们要立大志展宏图.

think big相似词语短语

1、thick fog───[气象]浓雾(一级能见度);大雾

2、think fit───宁愿;选择

3、to think big───大处着眼

4、think back───回想

5、ink bag───墨水袋

6、talk big───v.吹牛

7、stink bug───n.(虫)椿象


think big 释义:(非正式)雄心勃勃;好高鹜远;目光远大读音:英 [θiŋk biɡ] 美 [θɪŋk bɪɡ] 例句:

1、Think big! This is the secret of success!

2、If you want to succeed in business, think big. 单词解析:1、think 读音:英 [θɪŋk] 美 [θɪŋk]释义:v. 认为;想;记起;考虑 n. 想2、big 读音:英 [bɪɡ] 美 [bɪɡ]adj. 大的;重要的;有雄心的;受欢迎的adv. 宏大地;夸大地;成功地 n. 杰出的组织和个人


同类句fly high 读音:英 [flai hai] 美 [flai haɪ] 释义:v.有雄心大志,情绪高涨,野心勃勃例句:1、She could expect to fly high in Ed Miliband's Labour Party. 2、Dream big, fly high. 重点词汇:high 读音:英 [haɪ] 美 [haɪ]释义:adj. 高的;高尚的;高级的;高度的;全盛的adv. 高;奢侈地;音调高n. 高水平;高气压;(麻醉品带来的)快感

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